Initially, rationing of scarce water may be needed.
In Kenya, fighting has broken out over scarce water and pastures.
Scarce water, mass pollution and high energy costs all will limit China's future food production.
Municipal wastewater reuse has an important role to play in the cities with rather scarce water resources or serious water pollution.
The competition for scarce water resources will increase in future, as the demand for water from industry and private households will rise.
Researchers studying rocks brought back by astronauts have found that the moon's scarce water has a different chemical signature than Earth water.
Researchers studying rocks brought back by astronauts have found that the moon's scarce water has a different chemical signature than Earth water.
Global warming, urbanization, pollution and wasteful irrigation have been blamed for depleting already scarce water resources in northern China.
In the ensuing turmoil, local chiefs across the Peruvian highlands battled over scarce water and led raiders into neighboring villages in search of food.
Yemen imports 75% of its food, but even so it is using up scarce water supplies so fast that the aquifers most people rely on May dry up within a decade.
Swimming in likes or streams is OK in most instances but in desert areas, leave scarce water holes undisturbed and unpolluted so animals may drink from them.
Based on the merit of foam, a new drilling method is put forward, that is the foam drilling technique of deep well applied in drought and scarce water areas.
The resulting health problems reduce rural output by 2%, it found, and the costs to industry and agriculture of dirty and scarce water SAP GDP by another percentage point.
The water used in that ritual is considered "grey water" and simply enters the sewerage system, furthering adding strain to the already scarce water supply in the country.
Most of the time the entries are amusing and sometimes they contain very pertinent information regarding the shelter and the surrounding area (problem bears, scarce water, etc.).
This winter, it is undergoing its worst drought for 50 years, and I can only imagine what local farmers think about using scarce water to make "snow" for wealthy madmen to slide down.
In some cases, water is so scarce that farmers break open sewage pipes transporting waste to local rivers.
SINCE men fight over land and oil and plenty of other things, it would be odd if they did not also fight over a commodity as precious and scarce as water.
In the desert regions that the Bushmen have long inhabited - they are thought to be the oldest strain of humanity still existing - water is scarce and difficult to find in the dry season.
Inadequate investments in supply and treatment infrastructure means that even where water is not scarce, it is rarely clean.
This distortion tends to keep the retail price of water lower than it would otherwise be where water is scarce, encouraging consumption rather than conservation.
Clean water has become scarce and will become even scarcer with the onset of climate change.
It has always been more about creating demand for real estate in places where water was scarce or non-existent.
Stranded tourists have faced price-gouging due to scarce food, water and accommodations in Machu Picchu Pueblo, a village of 4, 000.
And by 2025, some 3.5 billion people will live in places where water is scarce or becoming scarce, according to World water Council data.
It's a strategy aimed at avoiding and managing conflicts over the competition for the scarce land and water resources.
It's a strategy aimed at avoiding and managing conflicts over the competition for the scarce land and water resources.