We need changes in the law governing school attendance.
And school attendance is rising, particularly among girls.
Others you are a sincere, good-natured children, school attendance is alwayss serious.
Sunday-school attendance, a more accurate indicator of numbers, is 7.7m, down from 8.2m in 1994.
She has watched as Hermannsburg's primary-school attendance rate almost doubled, to 80%, since it started.
School attendance did rise for families participating in this program, and students stayed in school longer.
At the fourth school the girls did not receive the pads or the lessons. That group showed no improvement in school attendance.
In France pre-school attendance at an école maternelle from age two seems to have positive effects on later academic performance.
This lack contributes to two million child deaths a year, reduces school attendance, and is a fundamental deprivation of human dignity.
In exchange for the money, Fikriye has to ensure that her child maintains a flawless school attendance record and undergoes regular medical checkups.
School attendance has increased, with one high school showing a 90 percent rise in attendance since the community police arrived, a school official said.
Alleviating this work will free women's time for productive endeavours and child care, and can boost children's school attendance and time for homework.
There are no'illiterates' --if the term can be applied to peoples without a script--while our own compulsory school attendance became law in Germany in 1642
Afghanistan is one of the worst educational records in entire world, due to the low school attendance rate and huge amount of illiterate Afghanistan people.
He has watched Hermannsburg's school attendance rate climb from 50% to 80% in just three years mainly, he reckons, because the community's women wanted change.
In Uganda, we have provided matching grants to community groups, with the result that school attendance and use of health facilities have improved dramatically.
It also calls for more accurate tracking of dropouts and consideration of raising the legal dropout age to 18. Most states sets the compulsory school attendance age at 16 or 17.
"Child Labour" according to ILO conventions, refers specifically to work that damages the health of a child, prevents school attendance and which could block future growth and development.
It is right and proper that parents take responsibility for their children's attendance at school.
The portal lets her see not just their school assignments but also their attendance and grades.
Families only get the money though if all children in the family between 7 and 15 years of age have at least 85 % daily attendance in school.
Just because there is no mandatory attendance, it doesn't mean that you shouldn't treat it like a regular school.
This shows that the Munshi was amenable to soft words; and in fact, whenever we wanted we could persuade him to write to the school authorities to excuse us from attendance.
W: stop, stop... we are talking about our son's attendance for classes and his study. Maybe we could give him a little bit money to pay to go to school.
University of Chicago Graduate School of Business says it is seeing significant increases in inquiries online and attendance at information sessions.
Skipping classes violates school rules and a poor attendance record will damage your final mark.
Skipping classes violates school rules and a poor attendance record will damage your final mark.