Shimin has investigated and exposed numerous counts of scientific misconduct.
Scientific Misconduct, Record Keeping, Reporting Results, and Data Selection.
All authors must acknowledge that their manuscripts are free from any form of plagiarism or scientific misconduct.
Scientific misconduct has become a scientific activities must address problems and the need to be carefully considered.
Yet doing so will be hard, not least because of the country's well-earned reputation for pervasive academic and scientific misconduct.
I hereby acknowledge that the manuscript being submitted for editing is free from any form of plagiarism and scientific misconduct.
Investigations into a case of alleged scientific misconduct have revealed numerous holes in the oversight of science and scientific publishing.
Based on data from an empirical social survey, the paper analyses the PhD Graduates attitude towards the scientific misconduct and the influencing facts of this attitude.
It is considered that morality anomie among postgraduates as well as the discrepancy between the goal and the means cause the scientific misconduct by Social anomie theory.
The paper also makes it clear that the contrast between the two approaches of modeling studies is of benefit to our understanding of scientific misconduct, and also to us to find p…
The final three types of unethical behavior, plagiarism, fabrication and falsification, are listed by the US National Science Foundation as definitive examples of scientific misconduct.
Pennsylvania State University has begun a formal investigation into whether a prominent faculty member is guilty of scientific misconduct for the way he carried out research into climate change.
Questionable research practices (QRP) is grey area in scientific research which is between responsible conduct in research and misconduct in research.
This paper shows some misconduct in scientific activity, analyses its cause and origination, then makes some suggestions on the supervision of such behaviour in scientific activity.
This paper shows some misconduct in scientific activity, analyses its cause and origination, then makes some suggestions on the supervision of such behaviour in scientific activity.