The family couldn't go out in public because of Marissa's tantrums, and they couldn't take her into stores because she'd shoplift what she wanted, or just scream until she got it.
以前他们根本无法全家一起出门,因为Marissa总是发脾气。 他们也不能带Marissa进商店,因为她总是想要什么就拿什么,不给就尖叫不止,直到得到她要的东西。
Sidney, played by Neve Campbell is back on screen. And if you see her on Scream, it only means that Ghostface is out to wreak havoc, now in the town of Woodsboro.
Recently it has found a new life among Chinese youth as an emoticon to express a bad mood, since it also looks like a face crying out in a pictographic version of Edvard Munch’s “The Scream.”
Friction and gravity heat the victim to such high temperatures that it lets out a scream of x-rays.
This nightmare is so vivid, the man is so real, that it sometimes makes me scream out in fear.
I put myself in the latter group: No matter what time it is, those boldface, unread messages scream out to be read, replied-to, and archived or deleted.
She gave a final scream as her intestinesspilled out. Then the soldier stabbed the foetus, with its umbilical cordclearly visible, and tossed it aside.
WHAT'S your main reason for going to an amusement park? Nine out of ten people say "to ride a roller coaster". It is sometimes called a scream machine.
Sometimes the only thing you can do is scream. (laughs) Don't you ever feel this way? You just wanna let it all out. People should listen and decide for themselves.
Sometimes the only thing you can do is scream. (laughs) Don't you ever feel this way? You just wanna let it all out. People should listen and decide for themselves.