Let's begin with just the base page per second rate calculation and then look at an example. The basic calculation is.
But, he adds, at least he won't have to feel bad about persuading people to buy "second rate" cars he doesn't believe in any more.
Another approach is to get an estimate of the number of users a system can handle based on the available page per second rate of the system, if known.
An XML parser might have a high megabytes-per-second rate, but if it is expensive to set up and tear down that parser, it will still have a low throughput in requests per second.
They begrudge paying so much money for a second-rate service.
The resulting limit, given in units of bits per second, is the absolute maximum rate of error-free communication given signal strength and noise level.
While TV didn't kill movies, it did kill second-rate pictures, shorts, and cartoons.
That movie led him into the second half of his career where his comedic presence alone could make a movie a financial success even when movie reviewers would not rate it highly.
The broadcaster is widely accused of abusing its monopoly over national television by offering second-rate programmes and shoddy news coverage, or, in the case of the fire in February, next to none.
In supporting primary health care, health officials must explode the myth that inexpensive care, including inexpensive medicines, is second-rate care for the poor.
Tom King was getting old; and old men, fighting before second-rate clubs, couldn't expect to run bills of any size with the tradesmen.
All these infrastructure improvements are rapidly making the telcos' Intelligent Network a distinctly second-rate choice.
You'll be cold and grumpy and desperate to buy a bad cardigan from a second-rate high street duty-free shop in no time.
The poems are wonderfully free of the drag and load of overbearing and perfectly useless detail with which so many second-rate biographies are stuffed to the gills.
Feel like the absence of a bachelor's degree on your resume is forcing you to settle for a second-rate job?
There's just a lot of ignorance and second-rate piping out there.
It's a center for finance and media, but London may be best understood as a world-class city in a second-rate country.
But Indian customers do not want second-rate people with no other work to do.
One reason for the expense is perception: students view price as a proxy for quality; universities worry that low fees will signal a second-rate product.
The euro zone is in the midst of its deepest crisis since the single currency was created. It cannot afford to have months of uncertainty over who will lead the ECB, let alone a second-rate choice.
The graft-busting Central Vigilance Commission found that the use of second-rate materials and inflated pricing was widespread in preparations for the games, the most expensive in history.
It was really like a second-rate TV drama. The whole family was crying. I had never imagined that it would ever happen to me.
That India cannot seem to do any of these things suggests that it will always be a second-rate power.
To keep Earth inhabitants away from the rest of the universe community, our planet was stuck way out in the boondocks at the rim of a second-rate galaxy.
To keep Earth inhabitants away from the rest of the universe community, our planet was stuck way out in the boondocks at the rim of a second-rate galaxy.