By defining the caller, you are enabling WebSphere to create the security credential and principal, using the Username token credentials.
You specify the credential store to be used by an application in the security configuration in the application's deployment plan.
What is transmitted is an unauthenticated credential, which, depending on the security permissions configured on the EJB methods, might cause authorization failures.
This ensures the right login user credential is returned by the customized security plug-in to DB2.
This is also accomplished simply by selecting the Named Credential option on the Advanced Configuration panel (Figure 8) at security realm creation time.
The job will run because John's credential is automatically propagated as a security token to the administrative subsystem, and used to authenticate and authorize him for the job.
For using other security realms with the credential store, for example ones that use digital certificates, you need to implement the required callback handlers.
If the user does not specify the user name and password with a job, the user's current credential is automatically persisted as a security token in the job database.
The realm element under default-subject specifies the security-realm, and the id element specifies the id of the subject as configured in the credential store.
default - subject下的realm元素指定安全领域,id元素指定凭据库中所配置的主体的id。
WS-Security (this describes enhancements to SOAP messaging providing three capabilities: credential exchange, message integrity and message confidentiality).
WS - Security(它描述对SOAP消息传递的增强,提供三个功能:凭证交换、消息完整性和消息机密性)。
You use the credential element under the subject to configure the log-in information for the security-realm.
在subject下使用credential元素配置security - realm的登录信息。
Role-Based Trust Management System (RBTM) is an effective way to authorization solution in distributed credential management system, and is a hot field in Computer Security.
The security server send back the user's authentication credential, or ticket.
The security server send back the user's authentication credential, or ticket.