Individuals considered a security risk will have to report to immigration authorities within 30 days.
Be aware that configuring the automatic acceptance of new keys is a potential security risk.
Increased access to company computing assets also brings an increased security risk, however.
But is the security risk really greater if the network's parts were sold by a Chinese company?
Good security requirements and analysis practices will significantly reduce system security risk.
However, here is another workaround that do not need you to take security risk by disabling UAC.
Safety: The device is highly compact with the steer wheel, can be moved freely, no security risk.
His name was entered into a big database of around 550,000 people who potentially posed a security risk.
UmarFarouk Abdulmutallab的名字被录入到一个数据库中,这个数据库中存贮了555,000名有安全威胁的人名。
The security risk knowledge base is the key driver of continual improvement in security risk management.
The eval statement in Listing 3 will execute whatever code the server returns, so there is a security risk here.
Following the chapters are several appendices and tools to help organize your security risk management projects.
The concern about security risk of cloud computing will greatly decrease once it is fully implemented and understood.
Cracks in reinforced concrete structure is the most common problem and it has a potential security risk for the entire building.
This is important to consider because shipping files that have been instrumented can expose your organization to a security risk.
However, the best way to avoid security risk is to have proper coding guidelines before the project starts and enforce them during code review.
This paper discusses the behave form and the system structure of information system and analyses the faced security risk of information system.
More than one third of African country Cameroon's websites pose a security risk to surfers according to a new report by security expert McAfee.
Even with such measures in place, though, any server is a potential security risk: The software could have undiscovered bugs or be misconfigured in some way.
To safeguard the information system of mobile communication, it is urgent to make effective, maneuverable and scientific security risk evaluation system.
In addition, the AD screen is in the t - shaped intersection, the large electronic screen will also distract the driver's attention, become a security risk.
Sessions left running can even pose a security risk. Under certain circumstances someone can take over a session and have the access rights of the original user.
Utility function was introduced into security risk area, and its inverse function is used to define absolute loss effect and relative loss effect as measure of risk.
Utility function was introduced into security risk area, and its inverse function is used to define absolute loss effect and relative loss effect as measure of risk.