Now, as a result of Amoy sand quarrying, construction of the excavation will see a bright future.
But positive energy is spreading and we believe the Chinese building waterproofing industry will surely see a bright future not far away.
Now, because of dredging, quarrying, construction mining, natural factors such as inter-side so that it will see a bright future and become unearthed ebony.
This afternoon, on the factory campus fete, I saw a lot of new faces, fresh-up and energetic, from which I can see the bright future of our KRRP in 2009 and beyond.
Mountain people, always the first to see the New Year, with your vision, your business must prospect future. I wish you a bright prospects!
All human existence has been a struggle between those who believe in a bright future, and those who can see only decline.
I had been working at that hotel for half a year, but I couldn't see my bright future.
An old Chinese expression goes: longing to see one's son become a dragon, which means expecting one's son to have a bright future.
Mountain people can always see the New Year, the first sunrise, with your vision, your business must prospect brilliant. I wish you a bright future!
We will not launch our children into a bright and promising future, but see them into early graves.
In fact, as I look out before me today, I don't see a thousand hopes for a bright tomorrow. I don't see a thousand future leaders in a thousand industries. I see a thousand losers.
He has a bright future, but I could see him, maybe if Fabregas goes, getting into the Arsenal team.
He has a bright future, but I could see him, maybe if Fabregas goes, getting into the Arsenal team.