I see what you mean. I'm glad I'm a chef. And not a bank robber.
If equal affection cannot be, Look into my eyes - you will see what you mean to me.
I think I see what you mean. I can read Shakespeare but I definitely can't write it.
Let me see…Yes, I see what you mean. Okay, I'll check the signature of the guest in room 3307.
I see what you mean, said the class know it all.but how can you tell that it's Not Robert Browning?
I see what you mean. So he has to have a sales report of the regional market he is responsible for.
I see what you mean, said the class know it all. But how can you tell that it's Not Robert Browning?
"I see what you mean," said the class know-it-all. "But how can you tell that it's Not Robert Browning?"
"I see what you mean," said the class know it all. "But how can you tell that it's not Robert Browning?"
Woman: I see what you mean. I understand why you're concerned. Have you tried talking to your son about it?
Ok, I was just trying to see what you mean by true friend. But I don't know how far this is gonna take in terms of the concept of true friendship.
Tony: I see what you mean. A lot of times I'll join my friends in going out after only an hour of studying. I feel good that I'm studying, so I go out with them.
When you received the Town Hero Award, you talked about the importance of changing the way you see things. What did you mean?
What I mean is this: Here you can see the type of tape which will transmit this very conversation immediately, and this indicates the possibilities of increasing communication.
Does it make sense to think we could do this in less than linear time? You know, it takes a little bit of thinking. What would it mean do I see a hand way at the back, yes please? Thank you.
You can see what I mean: make it easy to start with, so you can build your habit, then gradually increase.
All you have to do is attend one of the Agile conferences and you'll see what I mean.
For example, a set of sentences might be consistent, i.e. such that they can only be true together without being an argument. Do you see what I mean?
You can see from this discussion of why the team needs to refine and review requirements that we have inadvertently defined what we mean by review and refine.
But actually, when you understand what these words mean, you'll see that they are positive, freeing, enlightening, liberating, and filled with hope.
I was listening to them, you see, which Cameron wasn't, because he was busy thinking of his income tax, and it was as though I could hear their minds, know what I mean?
The requirement that your turns sum to zero is necessary to keep you from getting caught in certain loops, such as one shaped like a capital G (try it out on paper to see what I mean).
转身数的总和必须是零,这是为了避免陷入某些环路,比如大写字母 G形状的环路(在纸上试着走一下这个形状,就会明白我的意思)。
You see what I mean. So you had the right sentences but you were not using the negatives the right way.
That's not a bad example is it? But you see what I mean Student: Inaudible Prof: because there is, oops I'm sorry I'm going the wrong way.
In Listing 4, you can see span elements added to delimit the semantically significant bits of text, and attributes that indicate what they mean.
Prof: Only number 1, exactly so. I say, could be, because it could be I can say the room is hot and that's an standard intonation that makes it a question. You see what I mean?
Prof: Only number 1, exactly so. I say, could be, because it could be I can say the room is hot and that's an standard intonation that makes it a question. You see what I mean?