You can see the red handkerchiefs knotted round their throats, and their shirt-fronts blue and white between the open waistcoats.
If you are looking at your phone while walking, you might not see a car come or traffic lights turn red.
They make great gifts and you see them many times decorated with red envelopes and messages of good fortune.
The Lascaux caves, in the Dordogne region of France, may have the answer. There you can see a painting of a red cow with a black head high on one of the walls.
If there is more moisture in the air condensing as dew, you might expect to see the effects high up and to windward, on somewhere like Mountain Red Hill.
And in the MRI and MR spectroscopy here, the prostate tumor activity is shown in red — you can see it diminishing after a year.
And to have a 50% gray displayed, you need an image value of about 75% (you can see the red dotted line).
You could hear the chirping of the locator devices the fire fighters wear, hear the whistle of the respirators, see only the lights flashing red and yellow through the haze.
You can look for license plates from different states, try to find the alphabet on the license plates, or count the number of red (or white or green) cars you see.
The R&R database will not let you create a reservation request that it knows will be declined because another reservation was already accepted, so you should not see many red X icons either.
You should also visually indicate (see the red slashed circles in the following figure) the particular plug-in that caused a load failure.
I've seen websites with bright red backgrounds that you could see across the room - the kind that would make a person's eyes bleed.
In old footage of the Vietnamese babylift, you can see children sitting in the same kind of airplane, in the same red mesh seats.
You can see this hosting error by hovering your cursor over the red X in the FURNDB unit's lower-left corner.
For example, you may see a happy face, or you may even see something like a sunflower or rainbow if you're being told "happy," or a storm cloud or the color red if the person is angry.
You see, this is black and this is a little red, so we will rotate it one rotation.
The task involves naming the ink color of a contrasting color word: for example, you might see the word “red” written in green ink, in which case you have to say “green.”
“When you watch them coming on the red carpet, you see the same faces, the same mega-folks of Hollywood, yap yap yap, ” he said while promoting a film.
Assuming your screen resolution is 1400x1050, you should see a faded screen with a red box surrounding it.
假定屏幕分辨率为1400x 1050,您应当会看到一个颜色变淡的屏幕,四周围绕了一个红色框。
If you want to see a comforting green bar when your tests pass or an anxiety-inducing red bar when they fail, you'll need an IDE with integrated JUnit support such as Eclipse.
You can grab the latest image from Red Hat (see the Resources section for the link).
You should have an error (see all red messages) listed on the WebSphere console, and the error.jsp should display, as shown in Figure 36.
您的WebSphere控制台应该会列出一个错误(请参阅所有的红色消息),并应该显示 error.jsp ,如图 36 所示。
You won't see any pooches posing in red-tinted Windows, but it's not out of the ordinary to find them munching on designer biscuits at a canal-side cafe, or slurping on Evian at an upmarket hotel.
It might have been something very subtle that made you see red: a smirk, rolled eyes, a certain body posture, or tone of voice.
I constructed a series of home prices -that's the red line and the red line is -you can see how it's moved through history.
As you blaze through the yellowlight you glance in your rearview to see all the cars behind you stopping atthe red light.
As shown in Figure 1, the top of the page displays the result of the news aggregation, where you can see the potential malicious content (the blinking red text) being injected.
As shown in Figure 1, the top of the page displays the result of the news aggregation, where you can see the potential malicious content (the blinking red text) being injected.