We affirm that we have the power to take charge of our own lives and to stop being dependent on substances or other people for our self-esteem or our security.
In the end, I must affirm my authentic self, and thereby see transparently what and who I am.
You are starting to experience a greater level of nurturing, of Self-Love, and of Self-appreciation as you now affirm.
We should self-examinate and revaluate Dong Zhongshu's history status by the way of "put oneself in another's position ". We should affirm his indelible historic contributions.
The company believes in trust and respect, respect employees' characteristics, affirm self value, and achieves perfect design through strong design force and responsibility.
we seek out situations, jobs, and people that affirm our intelligence, perceptions, and self-worth and avoid situations or people who are hurtful, harmful, or demeaning to us.
In this article, the author probes into Chinese present coal energy situation, production, and conveying method of coal so that to affirm that using self-moving system can greatly improve coal output.
In a word, by analyzing Tsong-kha-pa's Madhyamika philosophy, we can see that Tsong-kha-pa had denied self-nature, noumenon of things in order to affirm illusory existence of things phenomena.
In a word, by analyzing Tsong-kha-pa's Madhyamika philosophy, we can see that Tsong-kha-pa had denied self-nature, noumenon of things in order to affirm illusory existence of things phenomena.