He resented her inertia, her lack of energy and self-direction.
The objective formation and semantic reflection of any statement cannot construct its own self-direction.
Whether you are a plumber or a lawyer, you will experience your job as play to the degree that it entails lots of occupational self-direction.
Trace following and branch identification technology is the key technology for self-direction of vehicle, unmanned drive, trace robot and trace finder.
Although the researchers did not describe their findings in terms of play, from my perspective occupational self-direction is crucial to the playfulness of work.
This is a way to combine East and West: more structure when our children are little (and will still listen to us), followed by increasing self-direction in their teenage years.
Network environment provides advantage for students' self-direction in English, however, the poor self-direction of students leads to flanerie, confusion and lack of confidence.
Though our own world was seemingly self-contained, it impacted on the white world of Piedmont in almost every direction.
And though our own world was seemingly self-contained, it impacted on the white world of Piedmont in almost every direction.
It is not agreeable to bring this home to one’s self, but the fact is not without its significance in another direction.
Traditional instruction dramatically underestimates the percentage of self-starters whose boundless curiosity has no need for authoritarian direction.
TYLER COWEN tugs popular economics in the direction of self-help: how you can use simple insights and intuitions from economic theory to get more of what you want.
This can provide a frame for the day, a sort of self-talk that keeps you motivated in the right direction as opposed to the negative thinking of the morning news.
As a result, our self-esteem takes a big hit because we have lost our sense of direction.
Looking back, understand the true self, to see the direction of the future, choose the right distance, creating a brand new day painstakingly.
When there is not distinction between self and other, then service no longer takes on that direction.
Introducing the select methods of gradation threshold and structure element, and proposing the further direction in the research of self adapted obtaining of gradation threshold.
And yet if that's what the Self is asking and the ego continues to fly off in the other direction, immense internal suffering is going to be the by-product.
Function test and calibration self-heterodyne curve for direction finder on sea trial.
It is not agreeable to bring this home to one's self, but the fact is not without its significance in another direction.
Not sure if they will work with WP8, but like I said I'm wondering what is the right direction to point my self to.
This paper presents a new generalized predictive self-tuning controller and its successful application on the machine direction distribution control of a polyster film spread line.
The key techniques of hydraulic bulldozer travelling control are introduced. The control strategies and algorithms of direction and velocity control, and power self-adaptive control are developed.
Under the direction of western early-stage theories and recent research trend of self-esteem, it takes on several characteristics of the research field in China.
Under the direction of western early-stage theories and recent research trend of self-esteem, it takes on several characteristics of the research field in China.