The Territorial Dispute between the Spoken and Written Chinese over the Textbooks: Integration, "Self Rule" or Separation?
The agreement gives the territory limited self-rule.
Under such a rule, students still have some freedom, and they learn how to improve self-discipline and live with new technologies.
Usually when inflated self-esteem meets reality kids complain that it's not fair.(See Rule No.1.)
Rule No.2: The real world won't care as much about your self-esteem as much as your school does.
That changed in 2008 when the conservative majority struck down a federal rule that had tripled the limit on campaign contributions for a candidate outspent by a rich, self-financed opponent.
而2008年,事情发生了变化。保守党的大多数打破了联邦规定- - -一个有钱的竞选者给一个候选人捐助了三倍于捐款上限的资金。
The case demonstrates that CBR has the characteristics of high efficiency and self learning with contrast to conventional Rule Based Reasoning (RBR).
Wary of these possible criticisms, Rule and Ambady conducted a second experiment that controlled for such extraneous variables as self-presentation and hairstyle.
The second was to self-impose a 100-year rule, so that by the time any judgment was passed he would be "dead, unaware and indifferent".
Management by objectives is one of the major contribution it makes us self-control can be used to replace the management of administrative rule by the people.
If one day, all your self-esteem and confidence, are people stepped on the foot, it really want to think, the other is love you, or in your rule.
As for the fuzzy controller, the rule is depicted with analytic form and changed through self-regulating correction factor on line, so that it ADAPTS the system dynamic process.
In this method the self-adjusting integrator is adopted together with basic fuzzy control, according to the fuzzy control rule and practical experience.
Jedinak's astute self-perception may be the exception that proves the rule.
This is a basic rule that must be observed as we intensify the self-improvement of the CPC.
But as a rule, you act upon such data without the knowledge of the ordinary conscious self.
A minor component analysis (MCA) learning rule is presented which includes a penalty term on the self-stabilizing MCA learning rule.
In order to study the rule of wax deposition of Daqing oilfield crude oil in oil pipeline, a experimental unit is made by self.
Then with an industrial furnace as controlled object, fuzzy control rule is obtained and fuzzy self adaptive control is realized by on line identifying fuzzy model.
The traditional Analytical School thinks the law rule is a self-sufficient logic system, and the law rule system oneself was certain and united to provide an explicit answer.
We must, through the college spirit construction, trigger off the intrinsic spirit of academic consciousness in China's college, improve academic self-rule awareness.
Rule 2: The world doesn't care about your self-esteem. The world will expect you to accomplish something BEFORE you feel good about yourself.
This paper adopts a fuzzy rule self-adjust control method to the need of industrial constant temperature control.
At the end, the algorithm of generating the mature detection rule, self-adaptive identify and the evolution principle of the detection rule in adaptive detection are presented.
The rule self-adaptive fuzzy control in full region is the most customary algorithm at present, but it doesn't consider the effect of the rate of error change(EC) when the coefficient is adjusted.
But the tensions remained; the Indian cliché that these were largely due to a British policy of "divide and rule" is a self-excusing fantasy.
We construct a distribution of the faults of all orders on a fault zone under the self-similar rule, simulating the zone with two associated triple-junctions.
In view of the special circumstances of the flux-cored underwater welding, a rule self-tuning fuzzy controller with modification function is designed here.
As one of the ways to control HCCI combustion, EGR presents an important role on the rule of self ignition and heat release.
As one of the ways to control HCCI combustion, EGR presents an important role on the rule of self ignition and heat release.