Semiconductor Hydrogen Sensor is a new type of gas-sensitive element.
The fabrication techniques with dissolved wafer process of sensitive element are expressed.
One of the preconditions is generating dynamic excitation signals for the sensitive element test.
The coupling problem between sensitive element and sensing element in etching depth sensor is discussed.
The construction dimension, vibration modes and mathematical model of its sensitive element are introduced.
Water resources is a sensitive element for natural resources planning and territorial management in arid land.
It shows that the measurement result of etching depth is quite influenced by the vibration of sensitive element.
Being the base material of sensitive element, sensor function material is crucial to the quality of sensor to large degree.
The pressure-sensitive element (105) may be formed from conductive composite material formed of a polymer and a conductive filler.
The photoelectric target based on LED and light sensitive element array could improve the sensitivity and enlarge the effective area.
The sensibility formulations of the sensitive element and displacement detection circuits of the accelerometer are derived respectively.
Horizontal tunneling magnetometer is a new kind of tunneling magnetometer in which Lorentz force is in the same level of sensitive element.
The mechanism is analysised from several aspects about the circuit, sensitive element and working condition. The experiment results are given.
The linearity, sensitivity and stability against temperature variation of the sensor are improved by optimizing design to the sensitive element.
The metal diaphragm affects the precision which is not good enough. Therefore, the accuracy needs to be improved by improving sensitive element.
According to the airflow tilt angle sensitive element and its output feature, a mathematic model on restraining acceleration interference is built.
The invention discloses a macromolecule resistance-typed humidity-sensitive element which has a hyperbranched structure and a manufacturing method thereof.
本发明公开了一种具有超支化结构的高分子电阻型湿敏元件及其制作方 法。
Unfortunately, and unnecessarily, some of XMetal's other capabilities are disabled in "plain text" view (i.e. "structure view" and context-sensitive element list).
Bellows, a shell of wrinkled meridian of revolution, is commonly used as an elastic-sensitive element in aircraft meters, and a flexible joint in pipeline systems.
In order to ensure the temperature stabilization of each sensitive element on the focal plane, a high performance and accuracy temperature control system is designed.
The experimental results show that the temperature control system fully meets the requirements of the temperature stabilization of each sensitive element on the focal plane.
The sheathed standard Pt resistance thermometer composed of sensitive element, leads, insulator, and stainless steel protective tube is a die assembly after it was drawn out.
Using single amorphous-core and double-winding as the sensitive element excited by multivibrator bridge, a kind of weak magnetic sensor with small size and high performance is developed.
The composition of the simulation system, data processing flowchart and simulation mode that included the missile dynamics, sensitive element and variable structure controller were given.
The micro gas pressure sensor designed in this thesis can be fabricated using an IC compatible process, and it is composed of a heating resistor, a sensitive element and a testing resistor.
Through researching an elastic sensitive element, a bellows with filler has been designed and developed, which solved the difficult problem that a thin wall bellows can't withstand high pressure.
The CipherValue element, instead, contains the encrypted values of both the key and the sensitive data.
The xml:lang attribute can appear on any element whose children or attributes might be considered to be Language Sensitive.
任何元素,只要其子元素或属性被认为是语言敏感 的,都可以包含xml:lang属性。
The Timer element can be used to trigger time-sensitive execution and to model expirations and time limits in the process.
The Timer element can be used to trigger time-sensitive execution and to model expirations and time limits in the process.