Astoria USES RESTful services and offers an URI as service access point.
This airport makes a point of catering to VIPs by coordinating on-the-ground limousine service, event planning and access to a VIP lounge.
Aliases used for network application access should only point to host names specifically implemented as service names for applications.
You want to have a robust and flexible single point of access that also leverages your virtual providers and service strategies.
In either case, the service router supports the service Integrator, which is now a single point of access for that business function or process.
Here, the service can be re-used as a single point of access for a recurrent business function, such as loan processing services for different customer types or a payment processing service.
The service integrator provides a single point of access for otherwise redundant services.
The services layer provides a service as a single point of access and can help the gradual physical consolidation of the implementers of that service over time.
During the client's service invocation, the UDDI registry is queried to obtain the access point (URL) of the service.
A WSDL document gets as detailed as to specify the operations a client can use to interact with a service and the access point of the service.
The composite service represents a single point of access to the set of underlying services.
Security and management: Provides a single point of control, access, and validation of web service requests.
The Subscriber is also authorized to invoke the subscribed service in the Tivoli Access Manager-based authorization policy decision point.
From an architectural standpoint, DataPower ACTS as a Policy Enforcement point; that is, the entity that every request has to go through in order to access the appropriate back end service.
It provides the access point and implementation details of a web service.
When a service Provider receives a web services request, the request is directed to the SOAP processing engine (SOAP runtime) based on the request's URL (published access point for the service).
当服务提供者(Service Provider)接收到Web服务请求时,基于请求者的URL(所发布的服务访问端点),请求就定向到SOAP处理引擎(SOAP运行时)。
The WebSphere Developer-generated WSDL file can be used as a starting point to create the clients that will access the CICS-based service.
可以利用WebSphere Developer生成的WSDL文件作为创建访问基于CICS服务的客户机的起点。
Entry point payroll service: publishes the payroll service over a web service binding for access by the web client module and other remote web services clients.
This single point of access provides a simple way of enforcing service invocation contracts, allowing for controlling and metering the access to the component services.
Speedy, reliable broadband access in those regions can deliver richer video service, and because providers face real competition, they have to add Webby services to television as a selling point.
To access the service from the JMS API, you must create the JMS destination and connection factory and point to the correct SIBus destination and bus.
An access point for a service. Access points are dependent in this relationship since they have no function without a corresponding service.
An access point for a service. Access points are dependent in this relationship since they have no function without a corresponding service.