Set your Foreground color to #00315C and Background to #001B32 and choose the Gradient Tool (G) with a gradient type option set to Radial Gradient.
设置前景色为 #00315C ,背景色为 #001B32 ,然后选择渐变工具(G),渐变类型为径向渐变。
Step 2 Create a new layer then select the brush tool and choose a large soft brush, now set the foreground color to any bright color.
Duplicate the lamp, set your foreground color to black and fill the lamp copy locking transparent pixels.
The foreground object does not trap this background color because of the threshold Settings currently set in the preferences dialog box.
The foreground object does not trap this background color because of the threshold settings currently set in the preferences dialog box .
You can set a foreground or background color, fill bounded areas with color, or select a color on an image to use as the current foreground or background color.
The foreground color overprints this background color according to the Settings for overprinting black currently set in the Preferences dialog box.
Soften the Lens Flare by adding a Linear Black Transparent Gradient above it: Set your Foreground color to black, click on the Gradient Tool to activate the Gradient Options.
软化它上面加入黑色透明线性梯度 :设置你的前景色为黑色,在渐变工具以激活渐变选项单击镜头喇叭。
Set your foreground color to something that matches your other colors.
Set your foreground color to something that matches your other colors.