This text introduce the principle and realization method of dynamic set up type DAGC in details, and offer applied effect.
If you haven't previously set up a server of that type, you'll also be prompted for the runtime directory of the server.
The custom type mapping registry is set up using the deployment descriptor as shown in deployment Descriptor.xml file (see the isd: mapping section).
定制类型映射注册表是使用DeploymentDescriptor . xml文件中所示的部署描述符建立的(请参阅isd:mapping部分)。
When you're choosing installation type, be sure to select Custom (advanced) and choose the partition you set up above.
You're going to find your spot, set up, select the correct film speed and aperture for the type of storm, open the shutter and wait for the first lightning strike.
By default, the instance is set up to use one type of authentication for all instance-level and connection-level requests.
You can set up phrases such as a company name as an entity, then type the entity throughout your content.
With a simple script, you can set your PC up to start loading your desktop before you even type in your password.
You can extract an XML representation of the project or rules once and then use what you extracted multiple times as a template to set up new projects of the same type.
Then, update the application's routing table and set up a catch-all route for the new XML output type (Listing 12).
To actually use SQLObject, you need to set up a database package and the Python interface to that type of database.
As noted earlier, you can set up a one or more review processes for each asset type and category you define, using either Rational asset Manager alone or integrated with Rational ClearQuest.
前面提到,您可以为您定义的每个资产类型和分类设置一个或者多个评审过程,可以单独使用RationalAssetManager设置,也可以与Rational ClearQuest集成使用。
Therefore the log interpretation model should be set up in consideration of the different reservoir types and its key problem is to identify the low permeability reservoir type by use of log data.
Quick can be used for this type of binding as well, but again seems complex to set up.
Areva and Mistubishi Heavy have rival designs of their own, but have also set up a joint venture to promote yet another type of reactor.
To set up an entity, create a name for it, and type it within your content, starting with an ampersand (&) and ending with a semicolon (;)—for example, &coname; (or whatever you name it).
为了设置实体,必须先为它创建一个名称,然后将它输入到内容中,以and 符号(&)开始,并以分号(;)结束 —例如,&coname;。
The article analyses the type of ill relationship and its psychological barrier and comes up with some suggestion on how to set up cordial relationship.
The returned document is parsed and the invocation criteria set up using a Compute node (for example) for input into a request-type node, which is then invoked.
We set up an XML display form for each type of content. Below is an example of the article XML display form.
And it takes an expert Kerberos administrator to set up this type of configuration.
To set up the Salesforce extraction job, you open up the stage GUI first and select the operation type.
For instance, if I type rake deploy, rake would call the dependent tasks I've set up, such as compilation, running tests, and so on.
例如,如果输入rakedeploy, rake将调用之前设置的依赖任务,例如编译,运行测试等等。
The campsite proposals were considered for the type of camper, the gear needed or not needed, the appropriate landscape, seasonality, and how to set-up and select a plot within the site.
If you've got your ant build process set up correctly (described in detail at the end of this article), you can just type ant generate to create classes from this schema.
Four fields were set up to identify the status, date, state, and content type of the record. Following is the portion of the agent that flagged the content.
Depending on how you set up your profile you may need to modify just a couple of the layouts, or you may need to modify layouts for each object type available in Rational Portfolio Manager.
This type of connection is set up dynamically (on demand) across the network, as required by the user's communications applications.
And the situation in the long-term stable operation, use the type of impeller shaft to the edge of the smaller, and can be set up before and after the Vice-leaf cover.
And the situation in the long-term stable operation, use the type of impeller shaft to the edge of the smaller, and can be set up before and after the Vice-leaf cover.