Several people said they were ready to spend the whole night outside the hospital, "waiting for news" according Fatima Bena.
In campus interviews this week, several people said he had worked to keep his new role more of an intense character part than a lead.
Several people said that other Asian restaurants have served them non-spicy dishes even when they asked for it to be hot because they were white.
It gets to be cumbersome to try to scroll back to find out what a person said, especially when several people are on online almost at the same time, each one competing for time to write a message.
The South Korean coastguard service said the two men were construction workers. Two soldiers died in the attack and several people were injured, including civilians.
Several people interviewed inside Burma say they were more concerned with repairing their homes and finding food and water after the storm, and some said they had no plans to vote.
SAMUEL GOLDWYN is one of several people believed to have said, “never make forecasts, especially about the future”.
But day-to-day positive feelings depend a lot on other things, which also turn out to be fairly universal and therefore help clarify what makes people content, several researchers said.
Mr Weiner, by contrast, said "all of you who were misled, the people who I lied to, I have an apology for all of them," and used the word several times more.
Mr Weiner, by contrast, said "all of you who were misled, the people who I lied to, I have an apology for all of them, " and used the word several times more.
相反,维纳先生说“所有被我误导了人、被我欺骗了的人,我要对他们所有人道歉。” ,而且这个词用了好几次。
Several people suffered broken hands, ankles or light head injuries, but there were no fatalities, he said.
Many people in the crowd urged me to keep doing my job; several said they had made mistakes in their lives, too, and were sorry that mine had been aired in public.
But on Monday, several people familiar with Caijing said the magazine's top editor and its business staff had been in heated negotiations with the magazine's owners for months.
He said several Alabama counties have experienced massive property destruction, and that up to one million people may be without power.
Since most of the happiness boost comes from planning and anticipating a vacation, the study suggests that people may get more out of several small trips a year than one big vacation, Mr. Nawijn said.
A gunman opened fire at a nursing home in the small town of Carthage in North Carolina at 10am this morning, killing at least six people and wounding several others, police said.
"There are several returning people, but what's really exciting is there's this whole new crop coming up," said Moviefone editor-in-chief Scott Robson.
One in particular concerns Gallows Hill, the site of several hangings, which is said to be haunted by the spirits of the 19 people lynched for being witches.
"For most of the people living in tobacco-producing areas, working in one of the several tobacco factories is a dream job," Mr. Rorandelli said.
The photographer, who took pictures of guests at the villa, said he had snaps of several people arriving aboard airforce planes.
"Medical teams have treated many people with watery diarrhea over the last several months," Doctors Without Borders said.
They said that it would take several people with different skills to fill Mr. Jobs's shoes.
They said that it would take several people with different skills to fill Mr. Jobs's shoes.