Books you borrowed from the rental library of Shakespeare and Company, which was the library and bookstore of Sylvia Beach at 12 rue del'Odeon.
就从莎士比亚书店的租赁图书馆借书看。 莎士比亚书店位于奥德翁剧院路12号,既是图书馆又是书店,是塞尔维亚·毕奇开的。
Books you borrowed from the rental library of Shakespeare and Company, which was the library and bookstore of Sylvia Beach at 12 rue del'Odeon.
就从莎士比亚书店的租赁图书馆借书看。 莎士比亚书店位于奥德翁剧院路12号,既是图书馆又是书店,是塞尔维亚·毕奇开的。