The prospect of opening up a company's share capital sometimes raises uncertainties for management.
The initial public offering (IPO) represents about 15 per cent of the bank's enlarged share capital.
The share capital subscribed for and raised by promoters reaches the statutory minimum amount of capital;
Enter below any changes to the structure of the company's share capital since the date of the last Return.
Take share buy-backs, for instance. Companies used their cash (or borrowed money) to reduce their share capital.
Following the sale, Skyline will continue to hold more than 50% of the issued and outstanding share capital of Shanda.
继出售,天际将继续持有50 %以上的发行及偿还股本盛大。
Prior to application for registration, the share capital must be stipulated in the Articles and all shares must be subscribed.
Prior to application for registration, the share capital must be stipulated in the Articles and all shares must be subscribed。
Prior to application for registration, the share capital must be stipulated in the Articles and all shares must be subscribed.
Prior to application for registration, the share capital must be stipulated in the Articles and alls hares must be subscribed.
Prior rto application for registration, the share capital must be stipulated in the Articles and all shares must be subscribed.
在申请注册登记前,在公司章程中必须载明股本额,并且所有股份必须认购完毕。 。
It refers to the senior debt which rank is ahead of ordinary share capital will enjoy the first repayment in the case of default.
Please set out all changes in issued share capital requiring disclosure pursuant to rule 13.25a together with the relevant dates of issue.
You may also build other reports in excel like cash flow if you track the movements of specific accounts, like fixed assets, share capital, loans, etc.
Moreover, the diluting effects of share capital increase on earnings will drag stock price down in the absence of a desirable expectation for earnings growth.
The maximum amount of share capital that may be issued by a company. To increase the authorized capital the company must have the shareholders' approval.
Statistics show that 58 companies increased holdings of shares in the ratio of major shareholders are the company's total share capital of more than 1 percent.
The dividend withholding tax rate is 19.8% for dividends paid to a Danish limited company owning less than 20% of the share capital in the dividend paying Danish company.
Concerning the new concept of property right in new systematic economics, the "share capital" of rural credit cooperative isn't qualified with the sense of property right.
Family members sold an average 0.5 percent of the share capital annually over the last decade, said the person, who declined to be identified because the talks were private.
With Bain planning to exercise the convertible bonds it owns in Gome, giving it a near-10% share of the company's enlarged share capital, the choice for other investors is stark.
The number of shares in the Company into which the share capital is divided may be issued only as registered shares and may not be issued as or exchanged for shares issued to bearer.
The share placing, which is the equivalent of 4% of Standard Chartered's issued share capital, will raise the bank's core tier one ratio - a key measure of strength - from 7.6% to 8.4%.
这场股票配售的份额相当于渣打银行已发行股本的4%,这将提高渣打银行的一项银行实力的关键指标——核心资本充足率(core tier oneratio),从7.6%提升至8.4%。
Despite the good performance of the overall strength of the Guangdong province, the industries structure, share capital structure and geographical distribution are still insufficient.
Hermes paced declining shares, falling 2.1 percent to 147.45 euros, after the family shareholders, who own a 73.4 percent stake, set up a holding company for more than 50 percent of the share capital.
It should not go unnoticed that a superabundance of community respect and social capital are being accumulated by precisely those who share.
Over the past year there has been little sign that people are saving less and spending their capital gains, so a slump in share prices should not have much impact either.
Over the past year there has been little sign that people are saving less and spending their capital gains, so a slump in share prices should not have much impact either.