Everyone who helped gets a share in the profits.
Only imagine me a captain at twenty, with a hundred Louis pay, and a share in the profits!
A lot of the people who worked as volunteers were left in the aftermath wondering why they did not share in the profits.
The original deal was signed in 1997 and granted China the right to not only explore the field but to share in the profits.
The company pays out a large share of its profits in dividends.
For the largest European banking markets, only France has enjoyed an increase in its share of profits, while its asset share declined slightly.
Nokia still ships a third of all handsets, but Apple pulls in more than half of the profits, despite having a market share of barely 4% (see charts, below).
It says that as profits have exploded the share of them paid in taxes has tumbled.
Strip these effects out, and the share of profits in GDP is still near a record high, but is not off the chart.
Nokia still ships a third of all handsets, but Apple astonishingly pulls in more than half of the profits, despite having a market share of barely 4% (see charts, below).
In some cases the share prices of quoted peers have tumbled as the outlook for profits has darkened.
First, the share of corporate profits in American GDP is already at its highest since 1950.
In fact, the share of GDP accounted for by profits seems to be rising over time, so even a sub-par cyclical recovery may deliver outsized profits.
Apple's rapidly growing strength as a mobile phone maker is underlined by its securing the second largest share of the industry's profits in the second quarter.
When investors cottoned on to the subdued outlook for profits, as they did in Japan, the effect on share prices was dramatic.
In Germany, the UK and Italy, the share of profits has more than halved (to 1.7%, 5.1% and 2%, respectively), and asset shares have also suffered.
The exiting Banks have made tidy profits in the process, while plans for the Western 'experts' to share technology and know-how now look like so many other promises made during the credit bubble.
Sometimes money — a share of the profits or AD revenue they can get for their app in an app store.
The corporate sector is still increasing profits and churning out cash in the form of dividends and share buy-backs.
The financial industry grew far too big. Its share of corporate profits in America peaked at an incredible 41% in 2007.
But in the new world, predicts Mr Wood, they will have to share revenues and profits with providers of software and services, such as Apple, Google and Facebook.
More realistically, given the market's decline, profits will suffer, depressing results and pulling share prices further down in a vicious circle.
In the US, both the share of all wages and salaries paid by the financial firms and those firms' share of all profits earned have risen sharply in recent decades.
Will this prospective platform war produce a dominant company in the mould of IBM or Microsoft that is able to extract more than its fair share of the profits?
Will this prospective platform war produce a dominant company in the mould of IBM or Microsoft that is able to extract more than its fair share of the profits?