She burst out laughing; she couldn't help herself.
I mentioned the incident later to my friend and she burst out laughing.
She advanced a pace nearer the ruffians, she was terrible, she burst out laughing.
When the receptionist saw the bike propped up against a snowdrift she burst out laughing, then grasped an imaginary pair of handlebars as if to ask whether I had cycled to the town.
I burst out laughing, a fit of hysterical laughter which infects the maid also, though she doesn't know what it's all about.
William looks like he's whispering a secret suggestion that has the Duchess ready to burst out laughing as she affectionately strokes his shoulder.
Her lecture made the audience burst out laughing. She felt ashamed and left the platform hurriedly.
She burst out crying (laughing).
When on the fourth move, the man burst out laughing, she complained to the driver and had the man arrested.
But rather than explode in a rage and make things worse, she just shook her head and burst out laughing.
Frog listening to "Calvary" to burst out laughing, she said "Oh!"
Nanon burst out laughing at this joke, the first time she had ever heard her young mistress make, and did as she was told.
"I burst out laughing. I could not get over it, " she said of the fine-artwork-filled home that the Marin County couple swapped with her so they could visit their daughter and her new baby.
“我高兴得开怀大笑 ”她谈到这件挂满艺术作品的房子是说这对海军夫妇为了能够去探望他们的女人和孙子而交换了房子。
Once she drew a sketch of our teacher Dr. B. b's head in the shape of an egg with a half circle of hair, which made us burst out laughing.
Once she drew a sketch of our teacher Dr. B. b's head in the shape of an egg with a half circle of hair, which made us burst out laughing.