People were desperately seeking shelter from the gunfire.
Looking around, I was sad to find that there was no place to take shelter from the rain.
You'd most likely spend the day trying to find something to eat and somewhere to shelter from the freezing cold.
Just like taking shelter from the rains, suddenly a fall into the eyes, chill and lonesome.
A monk seeks shelter from a snow shower in the Shaolin complex, lavishly rebuilt in recent years.
No matter have again big storms in the future, I will for you in front of you shelter from the rain.
Indeed, they might regard you as being a protective influence, a person who'll provide shelter from the storm.
All blame the rain so urgent, all blame have no place to shelter from the rain, will be plunged into your arms.
As the first drops of rain hit, the family quickly abandoned the truck and ran for shelter from the thunderstorm.
On the list are Americans hoping to give up their citizenship, as they seek shelter from the Internal Revenue Service.
We use caverns for stable storage, for entertainment, and for an effective shelter from natural and man-made disasters.
They write that the colony should be next to a large ice cave, to provide shelter from radiation, plus water and oxygen.
A large steel and fabric canopy provides shelter from the sun and rain for an outdoor classroom created on the hillside.
Like a steel canopy, these trees provide shade for your car, shelter from the rain, and reduce the urban heat island effect.
Beneath the wing-shaped steel roofs, concrete benches run along the walls to provide visitors with shelter from the elements.
Housing for ordinary people, no longer just a shelter from the rain, but comfortable, the important place of high quality life.
It was to be a meeting place, a place to provide shelter from rain, and somewhere that could accommodate a group of school kids.
The Anasazi culture used these cave-like overhangs in the side of steep mesas as shelter from the brief, fierce southwestern storms.
The winter of 1942-43 was noted as one of the colder ones, and there was little shelter from wind and weather on the airplane runways.
For people who survive the initial blast, the main advice is to fight the impulse to run and instead seek shelter from lethal radioactivity.
The rock paintings in France that date back 15,000 years, for example, were discovered by two boys who were looking for shelter from the rain.
No one was much surprised: applications to business schools often rise during the first years of a recession as people seek shelter from the storm.
But then, one winter's night, an old beggar woman came to the castle and offered him a single rose in return for shelter from the bitter cold.
But then, one winter's night, an old beggar woman came to the castle and offered him a single rose in return for shelter from the bitter cold.