Another thing you said you didn't like: how we blow shit up when there's people inside it.
When I finally found my bearings, I was standing on Congress avenue, out of breath, smeared up and down with grass stains and dog shit.
Finally, he opens the third door, and sees a bunch of people standing around chatting and drinking coffee, up to their knees in shit.
Do you think the person is defective or bad.. or do you simply chalk that up to 'shit happens'?
Somewhere someone is holding this thing up in a corporate boardroom, and an engineer is sitting in the corner just going Shit.
I stand up, start to do a Moral Benefit Eval, then think, no, no way, do not even think about doing that stupid shit now.
There wasn’t a Hoover in the world big enough to suck up all that shit.
If Mom catches you smoking in the house, you'll be up shit creek.
When you're in prison, if you're called for and you don't show up, you are in very very deep shit.
Do you think the person is defective or bad... or do you simply chalk that up to 'shit happens'?
Second, even the students make up their minds to keep pet in the dormitory, they have to take care of the pet, like to take a shower, to deal with the pet's shit and to drive away the terrible smell.
Lift each other up, help each other kick the shit out of option b-and celebrate each and every moment of joy.
I get up 'for I get down, run myself in the ground,' for I put some wack shit out.
If your eyes go up and right, youre accessing the brains creative centers and we know you're full of shit.
There wasn't a Hoover in the world big enough to suck up all that shit.
Whenever you do something "on principle" instead of from your heart, you run the risk of stirring up more shit than you ultimately want to deal with, and wondering if it was really worth it.
Don't bury your head in the sand, come have a look if you've got the gut. Keep this shit attitude, grave yard will be the only place you end up to be in.
Don't bury your head in the sand, come have a look if you've got the gut. Keep this shit attitude, grave yard will be the only place you end up to be in.