How shitty it feels to be an outcast.
How? Giving me one of your shitty DVDs?
Wee need to remove shitty maps, including low tier maps, Mittengard!
It'd be like being born with a shitty fad T-shirt permanently stuck to your body.
This is the difference between a great FO and a shitty one. Laker fans should be pissed.
We call it Stop Naming Your Unstable Undocumented Shitty Format to Sound Like Ours Thanks.
This is a very shitty list. Canada is abstain? Iran is not together with Russia and China?
You can't keep doing shitty things, and then feel bad about yourself like that makes it okay.
你不能继续做无聊的事,然后觉得自己喜欢就好。 你需要更好!
Unfortunately, the evil of shitty movies can invade your date and ruin it from the inside out.
Any bad press for being shitty fans is good if it means less fans of other teams come to our games.
Harvay: Oh no, yours may have been shitty, but mine was shittier. Mine was major shitty, you know? Huh?
I can't say anything yet because I haven't played them, but I hate all maps with snow as it looks so shitty.
I never minded the shitty jobs and I loved being around all the top men like Rushie and John Barnes and Macca.
Beingspotted in economy class must be like having your parents visit you at boardingschool in a shitty rental car.
You don't want your children to follow the same path, but as far as Tyson's shitty life goes, there's no better job.
If this guy is your direct superior, things can become really shitty, and you'll reach to the point where you dread coming to work.
Because I was a shitty waiter. You mean you were a better mime ?I was an excellent mime. Still am. Would you like to see my skills?
So when I have a shitty day, I drift away and put 'em on, cause I don't really got shit else, so that shit helps when I'm depressed.
Many, many people are in therapy for it, a lot of self-help books are dedicated to it, a lot of shitty behavior is excused because of it.
The total area of each person's intestine is 200 square meters. The area of our home is smaller than that where the stool settles. A shitty truth.
It was shitty in the way that most things light-years ahead of their time are shitty, because the rush to make them into reality precludes aesthetics.
But still I have to say that, yes, my true belief is that being with somebody who makes you feel shitty or doesn't honor the person you are, is worse.
There's so many shitty things happening in the world today, and I want to be someone who contributes to people saying 'it's not such a bad world after all.
There's so many shitty things happening in the world today, and I want to be someone who contributes to people saying 'it's not such a bad world after all.