Earlier this year, NLRB fired a shot heard round the business world when it brought charges against Boeing, seeking to force it to abandon plans to open an assembly plant in South Carolina.
Fierce pains of concentration shot across my forehead, but I bore down and heard them running through the snow in the distance.
I was just feet away when I heard and felt the effects of a third shot.
He went behind the wall, and a few seconds later the officer and the other young soldiers heard the sound of a shot.
Once the first shot is heard, the system spins the truck's weapon around to the direction of the gunman, "facilitating shooter neutralization," as manufacturer Mustang Technology Group puts it.
"We heard a shot and saw a window explode," Idan Kaner, a passenger, told Israel's Channel 2.
Zhanar Tokhtabayeva, a 30-year-old from Kazakhstan, said she was in an English class when she heard a shot and her teacher screamed for everyone to go to the storage room.
ZhanarTokhtabayeva 30岁,来自哈萨克斯坦,称在听到枪响的时候自己在一间英语教室里,老师尖叫着叫所有人都逃向储藏室。
"We heard a shot and saw a window explode," Idan Kaner, a passenger, told Israel's Channel 2. "I didn't really understand what was happening at first."
Once I heard that Weta Digital was involved and that the man who shot the Lord of the Rings trilogy, Andrew Lesnie, was the cinematographer, I got very interested.
His memory seemed to be triggered by what he saw on TV, when he heard that Lincoln had been shot.
They saw a homeless man leaving a shop and started to bully him. An off-duty policeman heard the commotion and intervened; he was shot and killed.
They started something that you may have heard of called the Baby Boom, so the birth rate shot way up and everyone wanted a home.
Prominent enough to be a candidate for the Nobel Prize, but he lost out to Rudyard Kipling and it is said that he later shot himself when he heard that George Bernard Shaw had also won.
Some one whom we know heard a combatant say to him in the midst of the grape-shot: "we are here as at a bachelor breakfast."
Presently they heard from a distance the sound of a shot, followed by three wild yowls.
So far this trial has done a good job of establishing for the record what people heard and saw the night George Zimmerman shot Trayvon Martin.
But one day, people on earth accidentally shot the Magic Bird. And when Emperor Jade heard that the Magic Bird had been killed, he was very very angry.
A farmer happened to drive by, heard her screams, raced from his truck, took aim and shot the alligator.
The athletes darted off as soon as they heard the shot from the starting pistol.
The parents had heard that a clergyman in town had been successful in disciplining children in the past, so they contacted him, and he agreed to give it his best shot.
Peter felt ashamed. He went behind the wall, and a few seconds later the officer and the other young soldiers heard the sound of a shot.
Pierre heard the Frenchmen deliberating how they were to be shot, singly, or two at a time.
皮埃尔听到法国人在商议如何枪毙:一次枪毙一个或是两个? “两个。”
When he heard about that captain being shot he was afraid they'd accuse him. So he just decided to disappear.
When I heard the shot voice, I started to run, at first, I kept the uniform space, I planned to run quickly in the last 200 meter.
When I heard the shot voice, I started to run, at first, I kept the uniform space, I planned to run quickly in the last 200 meter.