Jyotirmoy Dey, 56, was shot at point blank range by four gunmen on two motorbikes near his home on Saturday afternoon.
Despite being shot in the head at point-blank range, Congresswoman Giffords was conscious before emergency surgery, and remains in critical condition.
Police say the boy shot Kenzie Marie Houk, who was eight months pregnant, once at point-blank range in her farmhouse in western Pennsylvania.
The first murder victim, Christina Wilkerson, 28, of Long Beach, was stabbed 20 times in the face, neck and body, and then shot point blank with a.22 rifle.
During a raid on a Chicago bar he once shot a customer in the chest at point-blank range simply because he smiled nervously.
During a raid on a Chicago bar he once shot a customer in the chest at point-blank range simply because he smiled nervously.