This could be the number of search results on a page or the amount of detail to show about an item.
The results show there is a little outdated, such as when the search for "Oscar award" to find out the year awards when specific time, the search result is a past awards content etc.
Fortunately, you can explicitly show the cheat sheet results if you display the search results in categories, using the category button shown in Figure 2.
Amazon modifies search results to show products that match correct spellings.
The results page of Yahoo's search engine will show not just the usual list of search results and sponsored links, but also a left-hand navigation that helps users to narrow down their search further.
Click "Show Options" on your search result page to have access to tools that will help you filter and refine your results.
In this example, show the ways the user could filter the results (e.g., "Brand" or "Price") in a highlighted banner above the search results.
Note: Regardless of the user permissions that built the index, by default search results will only show content that the user performing the search has access to.
Now expand the example application to also show a Top 10 of the search terms that have the most cached results.
A search for the television show "Lost" brings up results for the show and also a thumbnail photo for each character.
After doing so, search results will show both types of identifier, with the file system identifier obviously occurring in every case that an XPath in its namespace does.
Unfortunately, this material never seems to come to the top in Google search results, and statistics show users are unlikely to find it scattered in multiple silos on our web sites.
Videos that show up in Google blended search results don’t just come from YouTube. Be sure to submit your videos to other quality video sites like Metacafe, AOL, MSN and Yahoo to name a few.
When a Facebook page appears in the search results, Bing will now show the person's picture and users can see their networks and send a message or friend request from the preview box.
If the detailed view (" Show Details "link above the search results) is activated, the field values (the detected product Numbers) are also visible.
So, if I submit the wrong query, Zappos might show me the wrong results, but it also shows me why the results are wrong and helps me figure out a better search.
Apple's search USES Ajax to show results in a box while typing the query.
If web content authors add a little bit of metadata to their pages-just a few vocabulary terms-then their search results show up better in all three search engines.
OneRiot's real-time search results show content indexed within seconds of its appearing on the web through social sharing sites such as Digg and Twitter.
When they hit that button, they're recommending that result, and that recommendation will show up in their friends' search results. Here's how Google explains the social mechanics.
Programs will be able to use the variable to either return search results with popular tweets at the top as default, show only popular results or show only recent results.
Documents containing important words show up first in the search results.
For example, you'll have plenty of results that have only been used once; you want to filter these out because just one use of a search term doesn't really show a trend.
For example, Mayer said, the company wanted to find out how many search results to show users — the customary 10, or 20, 25, or 30?
The search engine will show results as users type in search terms, dynamically updating as soon as letters or words are changed.
The Search Results task pane doesn't show the help I want.
The search results may show one document containing boat, but not imgboat1.png.
搜索结果可能会显示包含了boat但不包含imgboat 1 . png的一个文档。
Judging from the only images that show ads, most users only look at them after they have scanned through at least the first three or four search results.
As part of configuring the List, you must specify the field that will be used as the subject column to show the results of a List search.
Through a new partnership with Microsoft, an investor in Facebook, the things your friends like on Facebook can show up in the search results from Bing, Microsoft's search engine.