The U.S. trails far behind every wealthy nation and many developing ones that have family-friendly work policies including paid parental leave, paid sick days and breast-feeding support.
We give them 10 or 15 sick days per year.
The proposed system also penalizes workers who have taken legitimate sick days.
The workers used less than half as many sick days as did 87 employees who took a placebo.
Listen, you can't afford another day off. You've three sick days in the last three weeks.
Tardiness, sick days or long lunches add up, and bosses notice - especially if you then lie about it.
In another study of call centre workers, specific goals reduced sick days and increased safety and performance.
A reasonable number of sick days will be covered by the company.Any extended illness will be covered by insurance.
But PwC's Nick Roden said coping with the pressures of family life was an important factor in many sick days.
However, Siegel added that people who are physically fit may report fewer sick days because they are "more macho."
You think you can get attendance inproved by requiring salaried employees to take their all of their sick days?
I'm being selfish, too, because if I can get my employees healthier, we cut down on sick days and gain more productivity.
They earn less than their coworkers, take more sick days, have more on-the-job accidents, and are more likely to be fired.
Ask your husband to bring food home for dinner and to take over doing the bath and bedtime routine for your sick days.
For example, the researchers found that employees with paid sick days and more paid vacation days reported better health.
But pay levels and other working conditions such as vacation and paid sick days affect more than just standards of living.
There are cancelled vacations, too many sick days taken from work, and the necessity to plan everything around "the treatment."
假期被取消了、工作中请了太多的病假, 治疗期间有必要去计划好每一件事。
He found that smokers averaged 34 annual sick days, compared with 25 sick days a year for former smokers and 20 for nonsmokers.
HR Manager: That's right. If sick days were mandatory, sick people would stay home. We wouldn't have these company-wide epidemics.
Ryan employees no longer need to account for their time — as with MeetingMatrix, staffers can take unlimited paid vacation and sick days.
Between 1988 and 1991, the workers completed a survey in which they reported their smoking status and number of annual sick days taken.
在1988年- 1991年间,这些工人接受了一项关于其吸烟状况及年患病日的调查。
Those who had dogs exercised more often, slept better, reported better fitness levels and fewer sick days, and saw their doctors less often.
Women are more likely than men to take sick days and are happier to give an embarrassing excuse for taking unplanned leave, according to a new survey.
Women are more likely than men to take sick days and are happier to give an embarrassing excuse for taking unplanned leave, according to a new survey.