The company will continue to pay the employees, who are off sick up to a maximum number of weeks in any one year dependant on length of service.
She might not know about the pages backing up that need attention, or about the designer who had to go home sick.
As a result, they have lost the parachute they once had in times of financial setback—a back-up earner (usually Mom) who could go into the workforce if the primary earner got laid off or fell sick.
Let's cheer up the sick kid sin hospital together.
Her father was so sick that he couldn't lift up his head.
Looking after the patients in the hospital day and night, you never gave up until the sick got well.
The flower was very sick—almost dying, so Jim carefully dug up the flower, with roots, soil and everything.
As a volunteer, the girl wants to visit sick kids in the hospital to cheer them up.
More and more volunteers go to see the sick kids in the hospital to cheer them up.
Many years ago, a little girl named Collin Rose decided that when she grew up, she would offer a warm home to those sick and homeless children.
I cooked up a story about taking a sick classmate to the hospital.
I cooked up a story about taking a sick classmate to the hospital.
An accountant stays home to care for her sick child; she hooks up her telephone modern connections and does office work between calls to the doctor.
You're too sick to work, but still tied up in a project that is too important to neglect.
These mice ended up getting sick a lot, and needed to eat much more than normal mice with intestinal bacteria in order to gain weight.
Definitely call in sick, he adds, if you've got a stuffed nose, cough, chest congestion or are throwing up.
Definitely call in sick, he adds, if you've got a stuffed nose, cough, chest congestion or are throwing up.
He said that his wife had travelled up to the city to look after her father, who was very sick, but that she would be back soon, maybe in a week's time.
Don't tell my boss. I have lots of vacation and sick leave saved up, so it's not a problem, actually.
But we need investment to go up more for maternal and newborn interventions and also for the care of sick children.
This also means having a back up plan, in case one of you is sick, you get a flat tire and have no tube, etc.
The man took Cathy up: she was sick: not from fear, I'm certain, but from pain.
We talked about an array of topics — a sick friend, kids, a cool wireless speaker the IT guy had set up and our preferences for different brands of Scotch.
He continues up the mountain on foot, in the snow and sleet, and he's getting sick from the cold.
Let the laundry and dishes pile up. You won't be sick forever. If you have a great friend that will come in and help you out, ask them.
If they have kids people think they won't show up if their kid gets sick.
A week later, after she was sick of listening to me curse the computer screen for not delivering up a dog, Sally took over the search again.
If I said, 'I kind of feel sick', the girl doing my make-up would say, 'I feel sick, too · · · · I think the lunch was bad'.
“If they keep doing that, it all adds up to improved protection against the agents that can make you sick, ” says Nieman.
Kids get sick, snow falls overnight, kids don't wake up "on time" et cetera.