I only remember if floc is produced in Myanmar, the appearance of fine lines is the Wada side bar?
With a bamboo pole support from sort of a small window, porting brew good tea, relying on the Windows side bar.
On the right side bar you will see System Status information. Current known issues will be displayed in this area.
Underside and side bar uses the advanced TOX technology, detect the quality of the riveting joint port automatically.
The pool-side bar and grill known as Mango offers Caribbean seafood, hand-crafted sandwiches, and a relaxing atmosphere.
Checkmarks indicate what assemblies are already referenced and a side bar gives you more information about the highlighted DLL.
It was then I noticed his side bar photo (this particular room has a side bar option for those wishing to post photos of themselves).
The main program window consists of List Window, Status Bar at the bottom, Side Bar at the left, List of available folders, Tool Bar and Main Menu on the top.
Take some small side bar, we have students regardless of any difficulties, as long as within our grasp, we must work hard to help him, for him to solve problems.
The task Settings "float" to the side of your lists and with the Settings bar you can change an individual task's Settings or even check multiple tasks and group the Settings together.
The task settings “float” to the side of your lists and with the settings bar you can change an individual task's settings or even check multiple tasks and group the settings together.
This old dresser (found on the side of the road) now holds DVD’s, photo albums and other miscellaneous junk inside and serves as a bar on top.
Southwest Airlines doesn’t take itself too seriously, but some thought it crossed a line when it plastered Sports Illustrated swimsuit model Bar Refaeli down the side of a Boeing 737.
西南航空没把自己太当回事,但有些人认为他们做得过头了。 西南航空在波音737一侧的机身上喷涂上了《体育画报》泳装模特芭儿·拉法莉(BarRefaeli)的玉照。
You can customize which side of the panel you want the Quick Views section to appear (left or right) simply by dragging the Quick Views title bar from one side to the other.
通过将QuickViews标题栏从一侧拖动到另一侧,您可以自定义 Quick Views部分出现在面板的哪一侧(左侧或右侧)。
I prefer to make JUnit a Fast view by dragging it to the left side of the workspace until Eclipse lets me drop the JUnit view on the Fast view bar.
You can imagine the pathway from the classroom to the library (or to the bar on the other side of the street, if that's the route imprinted on your mind).
Some polices can be enforced through configuration parameters (see the side-bar entitled "When to use rules versus configuration parameters" for details).
One night, after coming out of a bar, he saw another bar at the other side of the road.
In such a case, it would be useful if the progress bar in the browser could be updated according to the server-side status, rather than running blindly.
The navigation bar on the left-hand side of the WHO web site has a “Publications” link that leads to information about WHO publications.
If a bar in the breakdown view is too short to see its full name, just select it and refer to the name in the prompt message box or the left-side table that's highlighted.
One client Goldman is counseling is still stuck on the fact that his mother wasn't invited to a bar mitzvah on the wife's side of the family.
Simply hold down the space bar when you want to switch to the keys on the alternate side of the keyboard.
The only negative side to converting a portion of railing into a dumbbell is that countless drunk jocks will use it as a chin-up bar.
When you click on a bar in any of the data structure bar charts, the right side of the window will update to display an initial summary of the contents of the selected structure.
When you click on a bar in any of the data structure bar charts, the right side of the window will update to display an initial summary of the contents of the selected structure.