As soon as Ms. Clark finished the call, Emma looked around the classroom slowly with a sigh for another time and turned the lights off.
I can only sigh for their own sigh and sigh.
Mothers, do you sigh for a missionary field?
And trouble with a sigh for all things longing for rest.
Something beautiful is vanished, And we sigh for it in vain.
Don't sigh for the dead time, must face to in a hurry the time slip away.
When you meet the right one at the wrong time, you are doomed to sigh for whole life.
A wise man never stops to sigh for failure and they will remedy by hunting the best way to solve.
Don't sigh for setbacks, let's see it all as before you achieve great things, must undergo preparations.
" Ming Dynasty Great traveler, geographer Xu twice Huangshan, Huangshan see wins like, sigh for the "odd life view.
Do you sigh for the frugality of the wandering Tartar, or regret being born amidst the luxury and dissimulation of the polite?
However, she changed rapidly her expression for posing happily. Woman is a creature of quick-change, I know someone will sigh for this definition.
So, with a quiet sigh for me, Biddy rose from the bank, and said, with a fresh and pleasant change of voice, 'Shall we walk a little further, or go home?
The grandparents sigh and say how things have changed for the worse.
On April 7th an industry-wide sigh of relief could be heard when Saudi Arabia awarded the first contract for a line connecting the country from north to south.
Yu, 43, breathes a sigh of relief when the recruiter places her resume in the review pile - she might be called back for another round of interviews.
Resigning themselves to paltry (if any results), they sigh, “We tried it, but Social Media is just not for us.”
Through the country's surf culture, the friends discovered açaí (pronounced "ah-sigh-ee"), a Brazilian berry popular for its unique flavor and nutritional properties.
了解巴西冲浪文化的过程中,他们发现了一种风味独特又营养丰富的巴西浆果 ——深受人们喜爱的“阿萨伊”(açaí,通常译为黑浆果)。
Something that makes me stop reading for a minute, and sigh with pure bliss, something that actually gets up and walking around, so that I can savour my Aha moment.
"Well," said Franz with a sigh, "do as you please my dear viscount, for your arguments are beyond my powers of refutation."
I pledge allegiance to Fawlty Towers and faulty trains and that small, almost silent sigh that shudders across a carriage when the train stops for no reason in empty fields.
Until I figured out the thing that bothered for so long had I felt an urge a sigh a relief and little excitement.
Until I figured out the thing that bothered for so long had I felt an urge, a sigh, a relief and little excitement.
Frown, sigh or complain when she wants to talk or ask you for something.
Backward, not sadness, not a loss, not for women in the low end after the sigh, that is actually progress in order to better achieve greater leap.
Backward, not sadness, not a loss, not for women in the low end after the sigh, that is actually progress in order to better achieve greater leap.