Return in repair and support type of signal lights must be turned on to the car.
Keep headlights clean and working. Do the same for taillights and signal lights.
The navigation lights and signal lights power is supplied both by main and emergency sources.
On this basis, we study on the optimal algorithm about signal lights of adjoining intersections.
Global optimal design for signal lights at central intersection and four adjoining intersections.
The system of signal lights that tells train drivers when to stop or slow down broke last Tuesday.
The fourth step: road repair and support type vehicles on the road must be turned on when signal lights.
On the keyboard of Martin-decker, rows of signal lights can be seen switching on and off rapidly all the time.
The composite flash relay is a kind of electronic product to control steering signal lights and danger alarm lights.
The signal lights from lighthouses led ships away from danger, and showed them the way to their long-waited destinations.
To ensure traffic safety and prevent traffic jam, traffic signal lights have been applied diffusely in most of the cities.
It informs drivers approaching from both directions that they must stop for a school bus when its signal lights are flashing.
A convenience and feasible control system was designed to settle some problems on traffic signal lights against actual application.
The current colour signal lights used in railway are different colours and different combinations for different orders and commands.
Article 28 No units or individuals shall, without authorization, put up, remove, occupy or damage traffic signal lights, traffic signs and traffic line markings.
Discrete logic, microprocessors, and microcontrollers easily cover the digital portions of control schemes, such as limit switches, pushbuttons, and signal lights.
Using telephones, flares, signal lights, pigeons and runners, he maintained communications between the army staff directing the battles from the rear and the officers in the field.
他使用电话、照明弹、信号灯、鸽子和士兵,让后方指挥官和战场上的军官保持联络。 几十年后,英国史学家马丁·吉尔伯特(Martin Gilbert)采访托尔金,询问他的从军生涯。
Targeting at the traffic feature of left turn traffic, it is suggested to install dedicated signal lights for left turn, left turn restriction or change left turn into turn left, etc.
With the emergency brake remaining "set" have the truck driver turn on and test the headlights both high and low beams, both left and right front signal lights and the windshield wipers.
The series of products can constitute electrical power boxes, control boxes, signal boxes and other devices by installing connecting terminals, cable joints, button switches or signal lights.
"It's the same signal when you see a car's brake lights in front of you," said Bruckner.
Outside his boardroom he posted red and green lights to signal to his secretary whether visitors could enter.
To cope with the revision in the law, some experts have suggested installing a countdown traffic signal to help drivers better assess when they need to stop at traffic lights.
Meantime, we manufacture all kinds or lndicating lights equipment, signal equipment, life raft and some fittings of watercraft .
Solar photoelectricity products: Solar road lamps, lawn lanterns, court lamps, beacon lights, farm insecticidal lamps, signal lamps, traffic warning lights, solar Information Displays, and so on.
A signal may be given by means of flags, lights, sirens and guns.
Sailors signal with flags by day and with lights at night.
Two of them with 30m length lifeline and at least 5 of them have - self-ignting lights, among that 2 of them with self-igniting light and self-activity smoke signal, and 2 of them with life line.
Two of them with 30m length lifeline and at least 5 of them have - self-ignting lights, among that 2 of them with self-igniting light and self-activity smoke signal, and 2 of them with life line.