Various opinions of definition before and after 1999, number of digits of significant figures and digit number s of uncertain figure s viz.
Various opinions of definition before and after 1999, number of digits of significant figures and digit number s of uncertain figure s viz.
The inner relation of significant figure and errors in the surveying, as well as the importance of significant figure in physics experiments teaching was pointed out.
One suitable definition of significant figure is introduced and the reasonable data treatment result in measuring resistance with voltmeter-ammeter method is obtained.
Development effort continues on the child Workspace until you reach another significant milestone, at which point another child Workspace is created, as shown in Figure 3.
The significant difference is in the request flow, where we introduce the custom mediation primitive, as shown in Figure 8.
In the actual example in Figure 10, the team is being informed of situations and events considered significant by the mentor.
Some sort of proportionality test seems likely, whereby English courts can assert jurisdiction only if a significant share of sales (10% is one figure being bandied about) are in England.
The GDP figure could provide significant insight as to the severity of America's economic hardship.
The significant fields on the ca Setup panel (Figure 8) include.
Notice that there is a significant difference between the cardinality shown in the fetch node on the outer side of the join in Figure 7.
Figure 2: Gantt chart based on dependencies between architecturally significant elements.
Figure 1: UML component diagram showing architecturally significant elements
As you can see in Figure 2, WS-SecureConversation encryption does provide a significant performance improvement over WS-Security.
如图2所示,WS -SecureConversation加密确实相对WS - Security提供显著的性能改善。
This is a significant increase of 8% - in previous surveys from April 2009 and December 2008 the figure was just 11%.
Figure 20 shows a significant performance boost in the example system.
Bear Valley Dam located in southern California, US, as shown in Figure 3 is significant in that it was shaken by two distinct earthquakes one day apart.
We feel like this is a very significant moment in American history and in U.S. figure skating history,” she said.
The model's calculations demonstrate how the aggressive timer in Figure 8 results in a significant improvement of the overall service rate and throughput of the application server.
模型中的计算结果说明了图8 中的主动计时器可极大地提高应用服务器的总体服务速率和吞吐量。
These clients are referred to as thick or fat clients because they had a significant portion of the executable code in the client tier (see Figure 2).
Therefore, it is unlikely that synchronization will have a significant performance impact in this example (Figure 17).
The final significant point is that the same defects — i.e., the failing tests in Figure 5 — have been found by both new and old methods.
This means the WS-Security configuration adds significant per-request overhead, which shows up mainly in the Figure 1 timings.
这意味着WS-Security配置为每个请求带来严重的过载,这主要显示在图 1 的时间中。
Neither figure is statistically significant from zero, given that the growth is compared to a base of 131 million jobs.
Significant others is a concrete figure who has great impact on the socialization of the individuals.
The desired outcome of this step is to accurately represent the way multiple subjects cluster with respect to each significant variable (see Figure 5-4).
在这一步骤中,我们期望得到的结果是精确地将多个访问主体用每个显著的变量表达出来(参见图5 - 4)。
Such a distinction makes the NFP figure highly significant, given the importance of labor to the US economy.
This appears in Figure 5 as a smaller number of "new" or "rerun" tests, which could equate to significant time savings over a relatively short space of time.
But this figure masks significant changes.
The second part focuses on the three connotation of the artistic spirit of Li Boan's figure painting and the significant impact on the art world.