Appears a simulacrum of his own.
There 'still some polish needed on Dark Simulacrum.
It is a place of disenchantment, a simulacrum of accumulation against death.
Unlike spell Reflection, Dark Simulacrum does not cancel the incoming spell.
Mine is a simulacrum for life, a reflection on experience and a metaphor for understanding my existence.
You might think that technology could provide a simulacrum of nature with all the bad parts scrubbed out.
Baudrillard put forward the theory of simulacrum and meaned that the art create the reality and dispel the reality.
It all adds up to a simulacrum of French village life - but without the tedium, because you are in the epicentre of civilisation.
Now Britain must pay for its SINS through a long period in rehab that will make any recovery a pale simulacrum of the real thing.
The post image-reading era generates a "simulacrum cultural world", which can be perceived as a philosophical meaning of "the existence of absence".
Dark Simulacrum (level 85) : the death knight strikes a target, applying a debuff that allows the death knight to copy the opponent's next spell cast and unleash it.
When a test is finished, the cup body can be inverted quickly to prevent food simulacrum from contacting with test materials, and accuracy and repeatability of the test are effectively ensured.
That which is irreducible to the self begins to come into focus e-e-e-e and a way of expressing this is to say e-e-e-e which is perhaps in some way or another a mask or a simulacrum of he-he-he-he.
Some publications have tried charging for a digital simulacrum of their print editions, with a more familiar design and layout than their websites, which can often be downloaded as a single package.
Some publications have tried charging for a digital simulacrum of their print editions, with a more familiar design and layout than their websites, which can often be downloaded as a single package.