Singapore welcomes talented people from around the world and hopes they will live there all their lives.
It's said that Singapore has a Night Safari for people to visit.
Already, Singapore engineers are trying to improve Spot, making it tell if people are together in a group or strangers passing on the grass.
Without enough manpower, Singapore is turning to robotics to reduce the manpower required for park patrols and remind people about the risks they may be putting themselves and others in.
Over the past 15 years, its close cousin, the Nipah virus had killed hundreds of people in Bangladesh, India, Malaysia and Singapore.
This has led people from all over Singapore to flock to the roadside astrologer's table to find out if they will get lucky too, especially in their World Cup bets.
One night last week I talked, face-to-face, with people from Bulgaria, Singapore, and Vietnam, all from my living room in Palo Alto.
Concerns about transborder radiation are reaching far beyond China, as people in countries as distant as Singapore and the Philippines struggle to understand the effects of nuclear disasters.
Western civil services often have pretty good people at the top, but in Singapore meritocracy reigns all the way down the system.
We will only bring in people who can contribute to Singapore, and work harder to integrate them into our society.
In Singapore, 150 people were admitted to hospital in the first five months of 2008 having severe hypoglycaemia - a sharp drop in blood-sugar levels.
In Denmark, happiness comes from equality; in Singapore, happiness comes from the rule of law; in the slums of Calcutta, India, happiness comes from the hearts of people that depends on each other.
Yet with around 7, 000 people per square kilometre, Singapore is the third most densely populated country in the world. Its land mass is not large enough to supply its 5m inhabitants with water.
Yet with around 7, 000 people per square kilometre, Singapore is the third most densely populated country in the world.
Recognising that media consumption habits have changed and that people have also changed the way they plan and book their travel, the Singapore Tourism Board has launched a new brand, YourSingapore.
Singapore, one of cleanest nations in Southeast Asia, launched on Monday a campaign to teach people how to wash their hands properly to help curb the spread of disease.
People in large-power-distance counties such as India, Brazil, Singapore, Greece, Venezuela, Mexico, and the Philippines believe that power and authority are facts of life.
People from the city come to pick their own and some of the early, high-priced strawberries are sold in markets as far away as Singapore.
People tend to use what they know, so procurement, engineering and design will be based on home-country products that are not American,' says Mr. Hicks, an American resident of Singapore.
I appreciate the success you get when people can create wealth. Fifty years ago, Singapore had the same GDP as Ghana.
New Zealanders have their own English, people in Singapore have their own English, and Canadians have their own English, why are we unable to have our own English?
Some people from Singapore often cannot adjust to the harsh winters in Canada.
They fought for and won the right to station people overseas-in London, Tel Aviv and as far off as singapore-to provide first-hand information-gathering from useful places.
The swelling ranks of elderly people across the region will rack up healthcare costs of up to $20 trillion by 2030, the Singapore-based Asia Pacific Risk Center warned in August.
A rare cloud phenomenon over Singapore has delighted people in the city-state.
A rare cloud phenomenon over Singapore has delighted people in the city-state.