Negotiate about Afghanistan, but don't sit on your hands while you bargain.
If you're at a recital and your hands shake wildly, sit on your hands for a few minutes before you go out to play.
If you point to each word with your finger, grip the reading material firmly with both hands or sit on your hands while you read.
So that brings me to my simplest and best advice: When faced with a panic-inducing situation, just stop. Sit on your hands if you have to.
If you have little kids then you can exercise holding them in your hands, put them on your tummy while doing sit-ups or lift them in the air to exercise your arms (your kid will love it!)
And teaching Spot to find his inner stillness isn't as difficult as it may seem: Sit with your pet on your lap or next to you. Put one or both hands on him.
And getting your hands on your latest purchase is even easier. All you do is sit at home and wait for it to arrive on your doorstep.
Of course, I can't just sit on my hands and I still have plenty to do if I'm going to earn the image you see in your mirror.
Of course, I can't just sit on my hands and I still have plenty to do if I'm going to earn the image you see in your mirror.