Ok, so you want to sit up front. The first thing is to get an ATPL.
I sit up front, which means I get to steer if Derek, our pilot, has a heart attack.
If we filed in late and had to sit up front, nine of us tried to slip in quietly.
For example, when there were only enough tickets for Mom and Dad to sit up front, I sat in back.
If you are just starting out in the workforce or don't have the confidence yet, start out small — sit up front in a meeting and find opportunities to ask questions.
The eyes of every man in the church fall upon her as she slowly sashays up the aisle and sit s down right in front of the Priest!
"I'm not going to get up on a panel and sit in front of a board or something like that," he says. "But if I'm asked the question, I will definitely answer it."
If a class isreally challenging, sit in the front and soak up everyword.
Children sit at rows of desks, staring up at a teacher who stands in front of a well-worn chalkboard.
Eugene sits at the piano in the big pit and I sit on a bench up front.
He recommends five specific behaviors: sit in front, make eye contact, walk faster, speak up (offer your opinion), smile.
Sit near the edge of a chair and extend one leg in front of you, toes pointed up.
She told me to sit up the front for the present and then she didn't give me one!
Only in los Angeles will the fans whine and gripe... then secretly hope the guy sitting in front of them will give up his seats so they can sit closer.
"The Chelsea players were standing up in front of the bench, but the supporters were then asking them to sit," said Benitez.
Bundled up Sulawesi children sit in front of intricately designed dwellings.
'This will be slightly higher at the back than the front and will curve into your waist rather than sit straight up, ' she said.
“裤腰后部略高于前部,这样能顺着你的腰部曲线走,不会看起来像一条直线,”她这么说道。 。
The girl bade me sit down on the foot-stool in front of the stove, she herself squatting be side me, sizing me up. Has the doctor been?
Get that heart rate up. Don't sit and rot in front of a TV screen or computer monitor.
Says Zollenberg, "I think we have to step up to the front and take a leadership role, rather than just sit back and wait for somebody to ask us to do a study."
Says Zollenberg, "I think we have to step up to the front and take a leadership role, rather than just sit back and wait for somebody to ask us to do a study."