Malcolm's work methods appear amazingly slapdash.
She has a very slapdash approach to keeping accounts.
I do not like his slapdash way of doing things.
Your mother prefers to do her own housekeeping — even if it is a little slapdash.
But Mr. Liu's plant features construction that looks slapdash by Western standards.
Spelling mistakes, sloppy grammar and half-formed sentences make you look slapdash.
She ignored a rule that required her to penalise Adelman for a slapdash presentation when bidding.
We're actually seeing a nascent industry predicated on slapdash notions of cultural incompatibility!
But China's health system, though improving, is still shoddy by rich-world standards and slapdash about protecting patients' privacy.
Egypt has a surplus of would-be lawyers, slapdash engineers and scarcely numerate accountants but few trained librarians, architects or actuaries.
But lenders have tightened their standards since the slapdash days of the subprime boom; borrowers need much larger deposits than they used to.
Slapdash lab work is not the same as fabricating data and Harvard has kept mum about the precise nature of the charges, citing concerns about privacy.
Serious documentaries and current affairs television programmes have much less viewers compared with the slapdash sitcoms and gungfu drama serials.
The introduction to teenage behavior was slapdash and vague, she recalls, but given that she was going to teach math, she figured it would suffice.
I was the learned and scholarly student who came from England to Cornell University in 1947 and was immediately entranced by the slapdash genius of Feynman.
A National Restaurant Association spokeswoman said the paper was a "slapdash" piece of work that was flawed because it did not take individual diet and exercise into account.
Nowhere in the report does she consider the possibility that the data she is using may be corrupted by the underlying biases, assumptions or slapdash paperwork of overworked police officers.
Unable to find a bed and unimpressed by the rabbit warren of slapdash buildings, Ms. Liu scowled as the smell of trash wafted up around her. "Beijing isn't like this in the movies, " she said.
"My sense of it is that British English is worse actually than American English. I think Americans really like rules. I think we in Britain are very slapdash and don"t care if we are right or wrong.
"My sense of it is that British English is worse actually than American English. I think Americans really like rules. I think we in Britain are very slapdash and don"t care if we are right or wrong.