No one sees a hacker, a slasher and an arsonist here.
Don't fret because it won't be one of those teen slasher movies.
I knew he was a great slasher and a good shooter, but his passing ability stunned me.
The film then disintegrates into a slasher film as one by one the protectors are killed in grisly fashion.
His office was like a bad movie set, the kind of place where some slasher flick starts to get really gory.
Variety called the film a "well-crafted, immensely indecent smut-slasher", while The Sun newspaper labelled it "sick".
He'll also use his athleticism to get out and run with Parker and Ginobili on the break and as a slasher in the half court.
Sometimes that involves using pictures we dislike. A journalist asked what I would do if a client said that slasher movies were his favorite.
Determined to catch the vandal, he began sleeping in his car on the night of Oct. 3 and eventually confronted the tire slasher in the early morning of Oct. 25.
Combined the computer with PLC techniques, rolling system of slasher is monitored. This method made not only control system simple, chang easy, but also control effects better.
Here again you can choose whether your character will be a slasher (warrior like me), sharpshooter (with bows and arrows), or a magician that throws either lightning, fire, or ice.
By using contact Angle instrument, the author measures the contact Angle of various sizes with coating agent, and finally, sift out a series of anti-sticking agents for slasher drum.
Steve Jobs brought out developers from Epic Games to show off a 'Epic Sword,' a graphically impressive fantasy slasher they've been working on, and demonstrate how Game Center will work for you.
斯蒂夫·乔布斯将偕同epicGames公司的开发者来现场演示' epic之剑',一个正在开发的有不俗图像表现的砍杀游戏。并展示游戏中心的操作。
Steve Jobs brought out developers from Epic Games to show off a 'Epic Sword,' a graphically impressive fantasy slasher they've been working on, and demonstrate how Game Center will work for you.
斯蒂夫·乔布斯将偕同epicGames公司的开发者来现场演示' epic之剑',一个正在开发的有不俗图像表现的砍杀游戏。并展示游戏中心的操作。