Last year's profits were more the result of financial sleight of hand than genuine growth.
He accused Mr. MacGregor of "sleight of hand."
Mr Straw, your claims are a sleight of hand.
I've even heard it referenced as shystering and sleight of hand.
The showman's sleight of hand won the LDP coalition a stunning victory.
Mr Huckabee says a rate of 23% would suffice, but this is a sleight of hand.
Products have to do what they say they will, rather than using some sort of sleight of hand.
The critical reader may feel that there is a certain amount of sleight of hand in this derivation.
This narrative sleight of hand allows for the entry into the story of Andy Larkham, the accidental heir.
But with the resulting bubble contributing to a deep recession, US tolerance for this mercantile sleight of hand has come to an end.
I'm an international award winner, and I'm known as an expert at sleight of hand and an authority on approaching magic as an actual art form.
Frayne's award-winning show documents the tricks he has up his sleeve- from his mesmerising sleight of hand to his ability to walk on water.
Mr De Palma, the master of flashy pseudo-Hitchcockean sleight of hand, cannot sustain the illusion that the characters in the love story are real.
The second way the ef lets you use POCOs while still benefiting from the framework USES a bit of sleight of hand in the form of proxy objects.
That sleight of hand seems ingenious. You can let your body think it's getting the sweets and fats it craves while keeping the calorie count to a minimum.
Not so. What he will need to do, however, is pull a David Blaine-like sleight of hand, hoping people look one direction while he's working his magic elsewhere.
The art market works through snobbery and sleight of hand, but here it becomes a bit like a TV shopping channel - watch out, the dead-eyed determination to shift product is showing.
The art market works through snobbery and sleight of hand, but here it becomes a bit like a TV shopping channel - watch out, the dead-eyed determination to shift product is showing.