Although very hot, prominences typically appear dark when viewed against the Sun, since they are slightly cooler than the surface.
The telescopes sift through the background cosmic radiation to find spots where it has been slightly perturbed as it passes through extremely hot gas, a hallmark characteristic of galaxy clusters.
The Chukchi boy was suddenly burnt by a red-hot thing. So the child obviously became aware of every rustle around him and jumped aside every time he was slightly touched.
On hot days, the office actually emits slightly more CO2 to cool each worker.
A piece of hot metal sufficient to slightly overfill the die shape is placed in the bottom die, and the top die is forced against it, so that the metal takes the internal shape of the die.
They found Hermione downstairs in the kitchen. She was being served coffee and hot rolls by Kreacher and wearing the slightly manic expression that Harry associated with exam review.
Steam your face by applying a soft cloth, soaked in hot water and run out slightly. This will help open the pores and release all in impurities.
Once joined, and while still hot, the parts may be pulled apart slightly to reduce the wall thicknesses at the weld joint.
Singe: to damage hair, wool, paper etc by burning it slightly so that the ends or edges are burnt : The flames were hot enough to singe your eyebrows.
The Australian climate is hot and humid in the north and slightly cool in the south.
Turned itself inside out, saw her mother slightly red forehead, I touched a bit, really hot!
It is fine white nontoxic and no curing pollution with specific gravity of 1.08. It can slightly dissolve in hot ethanol, but not in water.
Yet despite its slightly ghostly appearance - the five-year-old estate is only 60 per cent occupied - Glory Century is, in fact, hot property.
Medium: oil, organic solvents, hot water and other slightly corrosive liquids.
A few minutes after, 4 masseurs came in each with a wooden bucket of hot liquid. Flower petals float on the slightly colored water.
A few minutes after, 4 masseurs came in each with a wooden bucket of hot liquid. Flower petals float on the slightly colored water.