They've changed me from a slugger into a boxer.
The Giants' slugger also has fourth place in his sights, needing 13 homers to move past Frank Robinson's 586.
Said the Yankee slugger to the Boston catcher: 'What do you think of that kid?
I live in Lenexa with my husband, Travis (a 2002 SMW graduate), and our pets: a greyhound named Gibson and a cat named Slugger.
Flinging magnetic curses amid the toil of piling job on job, here is a tall bold slugger set vivid against the little soft cities.
Billed as a matchup between LeBron and DJ Strawberry, a forward headed for Maryland and the son of former big-league slugger Darryl Strawberry.
He fanned the slander that Ruth seldom took a bath by sniffing hard and pretending to detect a horrible smell whenever the slugger came near him.
And in the way the Dodgers sold 20, 000 extra tickets in a matter of hours when the fans heard that the slugger was on his way to Southern California.
Suddenly your machine bogs down right at that critical moment, you reach for your Louisville slugger to give your PC a piece of your mind but you pause.
Louisville, Kentucky, is best known for its bourbon, its bluegrass, its "Louisville Slugger" baseball bats, and the Kentucky Derby horse race held each May.
Ruth’s slugging thrilled the crowds, broadened baseball’s appeal and filled the stands, but for McGraw he was a mere slugger, “the Big Baboon” or “the Big Ape”.
Ruth’s slugging thrilled the crowds, broadened baseball’s appeal and filled the stands, but for McGraw he was a mere slugger, “the Big Baboon” or “the Big Ape”.