PXI, like its big brother VXI, makes a fine small-size platform for data-acquisition applications with a variety of measurements.
Although this pattern is typically applicable for small-size initial SOA implementations it does not scale well for enterprise-wide implementations.
Although small-size LCD capex has been robust recently for tablet and smart phone panels, 12 of the 18 units shipped were for large size (7/8G) panels.
The small is $3.50 and the large is $5. It's a tough decision: the small size may not last you through the whole movie, but $5.50 for some sugary drink seems ridiculous.
Pluto is not included in either category, because its great distance from Earth and its small size make this planet's true nature a mystery.
The maternal strategy evolved by harbor seals may have to do with their small size and the large proportion of their fat stores depleted in lactation.
Cats are always in small size. They can be a great pet choice for people with limited space and busy lifestyles.
Plastic straws are by no means the biggest source of plastic pollution, but they've recently come under fire because most people don't need them to drink with and, because of their small size and weight, they cannot be recycled.
The component teams were in different geographic locations; however, the small size of each team made it fairly easy to adopt agile development principles across the project.
Kaptchuk and his colleagues warned that there were limitations with their study, given its small size and limited time span.
Denmark’s success has much to do with theits small size, its homogeneous population and its regulated health care system— on all counts, very different from the United States.
丹麦的成功,很大程度上与它国土面积小、人口种族单一和医疗系统管理较好有关 - 不管是从哪方面讲,都与美国的情况截然不同。
Owing to the small size of this breed, they can be conveniently kept in small homes.
The common thread of those projects is their small size and RUP's ability to provide a rigorous and flexible methodology.
However the small size of the Moon's core and the required surface magnetic field strengths were problematic for this theory.
Insects' nutritional content, small size and fast reproduction rates have also made them appealing solutions to problems traditional agriculture can't solve.
However, given the small size of the deal, it's unlikely going to have a significant impact.
The child could not be seen on account of her small size, but the head of her doll was visible.
For a message of small size this will not be a problem, but when it comes to a large message this becomes an issue.
A White Dwarf retains about half of its mass but becomes incredibly dense because of its small size.
And the new nano's small size means that, unlike on iOS devices, there's no physical Home button.
There are no settings to customize and the layout hasn't been configured specifically for the small size of the Gmail sidebar.
Cheyenne's small size may help; fewer cars travel the roads, and vehicles are a key source of PM 2.5 (and ozone).
Topify's developers couldn't help to note that Twimailer, because of its small size, wouldn't be much of an asset anyway.
But their small size also means they lack on-board propulsion systems, which is why they generally remain locked to a particular orbit.
Focus on how much your whole startup CARES about the individual customer; make your small size work for you by developing intimacy between your startup and the customer.
Scientists often note that an ant’s strength to lift many times its weight actually depends on its small size, not on any special muscular equipment.
It has been suggested that this is because the small size of the font causes serif fonts to appear excessively cluttered on the screen.
Owing to the small size of the mausoleum chapel, the mosaics do not create the impression of vain, cold pomp.
Team leader Thabani Gonye called it a major accomplishment given the small size of the Zimbabwean team.
Team leader Thabani Gonye called it a major accomplishment given the small size of the Zimbabwean team.