Read the small print in your contract to find out exactly what you are insured for.
I'm looking at the small print; I don't want to sign anything that I shouldn't sign.
Most books have small print-runs, pushing up their price.
Most people can't read small print with out glasses when they get on in years.
You are advised to read the small print of household and motor insurance policies .
When I pass away I hope to merit three lines of small print in the Imperial gazette.
Look closely at your bottle - sometimes the expiration date is written in very small print.
Rachael could feel her heartbeat quicken as she stepped up close to read the small print.
Do you feel like your vision has been affected by extensive use of computers, TVs, and reading small print?
The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), which must draft the small print, has been swamped with objections.
Paying attention to the small print -- most importantly, the ingredients list -- can help you make healthier choices.
Book body involved scribe surgery, regular script, running script, cursive, characters, and small print and so on.
She suggests the medications' age warnings, often found only in small print, may not be prominent enough on the packaging.
We bought the house without reading the small print and found later that the contract prevented us from building a garage.
Interest free balance transfer credit CARDS must be exactly that; be careful and look out for any hidden charges in the small print.
This paraphrases a warning that cellphone manufacturers include in the small print that is often tossed aside when a new phone is purchased.
Takechar from different types of source code out of Chinese characters. It has embedded equipment Development of the small print very helpful.
The small print declares, ambiguously, that these impostors were “cellared in Canada”, but they are otherwise indistinguishable from the real thing.
Read the small print before you rush out to buy a tent, then read this gem of a book while you are sitting outside it enjoying the fine art of camping.
The headless bird was a photo-montage and "no animal was killed," noted the small print at the bottom of the ad on the back page of Liberation newspaper.
这则在《解放报》末版刊出的“无头公鸡”广告 是一张合成图,广告底部用小字写道“没有动物被杀”。
The small print can make for gripping reading. Consider this inconspicuous gem from the latest quarterly report of Magyar Telekom, Hungary's largest telecoms company.
In Walsh-Smith's case, the small print of her prenuptial agreement revealed clauses that served her husband's interests rather than hers, but a well-managed prenup can be invaluable.
就沃尔什。史密斯的情况而言那份小小的婚前协议的条款 更多的是保护她丈夫而不是她的利益但是婚前协议处理好了会很有价值的。
Well, actually, let's turn the print statement on, since we're doing it with a small value here.
The quilted blankets were bought in India from one of the hotel owners who had a small hand block print studio in one of the rooms they were beautiful and cost next to nothing.
The quilted blankets were bought in India from one of the hotel owners who had a small hand block print studio in one of the rooms they were beautiful and cost next to nothing.