The design calculation of the generator set control and field adjusting system as well as the equipment lectotype setting for small water power station are performed.
The article introduces the control and management system of a small water power station. Th is station uses distributed control with four groups of generator and one group of main transformer.
The small power station above the cascade The cascade formed by the big height gap is magnificent. When pouring, its water smog and crash sound can be seen and heard all over the valley.
《飞瀑上的小电站》 流水巨大的落差形成的瀑布,气势磅薄,急流在瞬间飞泻而下,形成的水雾与冲击产生的轰鸣声,弥漫在整个山谷之间。
In water conservancy and hydropower projects ot plain, the large quantities of small power station of low water head and large discharge have been built in our country.
In water conservancy and hydropower projects ot plain, the large quantities of small power station of low water head and large discharge have been built in our country.