What would you say to Mrs So-and-so who has called to complain about a noisy neighbour?
So far, the only people to do so have been farmers who make ethanol to fuel their tractors and harvesters.
So why do so many physicians, who, even now, earn more money and maintain more public trust than most of us so readily accept the drug industry's blandishments?
So at one extreme there's the personal diary, kept by an individual who wants to tell the whole world about his or her activities, or interests and opinions and so on.
So, for example, we knew that Zidane, raul and Figo didn't track back, so we had to put a guy in front of the back four who would defend.
Being in-demand is a huge asset and so long as you’re gracious and apologetic, you’ll get away with murder so long as you’re outproducing the people who stay for entire meetings.
All you would know is that there were so many people who got a hundred and so many who got forties, you didn't know who got the grades.
So the ones who stay do so by choice and it's up to us simply to persuade them or give them a good offer.
The Internet is strictly regulated in Cuba, so those who sell time on accounts that belong to doctors, professors and computer technicians do so on the sly.
German savings go to German Banks to lend to other countries so that they can buy German goods from German companies who then save their earnings in German Banks who lend it to... And so on.
So far it seems that left-handed and right-handed people behave differently, and so do people who drive on different sides of the road.
He must have been standing there for hours, surveying every so-and-so who walked by.
The sandwich could only ever have been dreamed up by a bloke who was insanely hungry and totally preoccupied so the story's so perfect it should be true.
Nothing so pleases God in connection with our prayer as our praise, and nothing so blesses the man who prays as the praise which he offers.
Will a board who meets so infrequently and does so little be able to help Berkshire bridge to the future?
So it's a survival guide for Agile change agents and people who have been using Agile so that we can use Agile for good and not for evil.
And in these two places, so similar yet so unlike, these two species of beings who were so very unlike, were undergoing the same work, expiation.
It tells you who is everybody's father, even their names, son of so and so is a reference their father and their ancestors.
She has little time for Karl Marx, a man who was so convinced of his rightness, and so buried in his books in the British Library, that he failed to observe the world around him.
Those who followed her seemed unremarkable: a bus driver, a doctor, a supervisor at a pillow factory and so on, all terminally ill, or so they believed.
The definition of an anti-hero as a character who performs acts that are generally deemed or thought to be heroic, but he/she will do so with methods, actions, manners, and intentions that are not so.
People who sit there and talk about it don't realize that molecules themselves are somewhat hypothetical, and that their interactions are more so, and that the biological reactions are even more so.
Some blame the subprime lenders and the brokers who found clients for them; together they underwrote many of the loans that are now causing so many foreclosures and so much pain.
It is my strongly held view that you are entitled to advocate and everyone who agrees with you should be free to do so anywhere in the world, and so are we.
So be turned to the page who was walking behind him, and said, "What is that funny little thing which is running so fast over there?
And so initially part of the reason why the program was so favorably viewed by Congress was that it was individuals in the middle of life, in their 40s and 50s, who were in kidney failure.
And so initially part of the reason why the program was so favorably viewed by Congress was that it was individuals in the middle of life, in their 40s and 50s, who were in kidney failure.