Whether from jealousy or fear of someone who looked so different, my older brothers sometimes teased me about my unpleasing skin, or made fun of my clumsy walk.
The veiled beauty of this retired little inner garden had a wonderful charm for me, so different from the broad expanse of the river-bank in front.
There have been criticisms from a bunch of different directions about this bill. So let me just address a few of them.
It was really useful for me to have two cameras matched to photos for the ceiling, since this way I could compare all lines from different angles so they got quite authentic.
I'm not sure exactly what time it'll finish, but could you let me know the different options for getting from there to the centre, so that I can arrive in time to deliver my talk.
Why? These ideas are penetrating into my mind from time to time. They are so different from my reality. And they keep me perplexed.
It's so distant and seems so different from the western American stuff, which is fascinating for me as an Australian.
Answer here (and in many, many, many, many, many, really many other places) did not satisfy me at all, so I'm trying to look from a different Angle.
Acting on stage can be very different from working on film, so it took some time for me to get used to moving on the stage, being more expressive with my body language, etc.
I'm so pleased that you gave me a completely different picture of America from books.
Look at me, Iam so faithful. I work hard for my parents, you may look at my feathers which are different from the cranes.
So I let him wash basin stood next to looked at me, we chatted the topic from different places, until I gave him milk and sugar.
I am also lucky that my parents were raised in a different culture so that they could teach me a little about a place far away from my home in California.
I am also lucky that my parents were raised in a different culture so that they could teach me a little about a place far away from my home in California.