It doesn't have a great powerful sound but it is far better than what I have been using so I am now happy with the sound I bring into the classroom.
So regardless of how healthy I think I am now, being tested will put me in better shape.
I need a break. So I figured now was an excellent time to remind myself that I am not my Stuff.
So now when someone asks me how I am doing, I say "I'm doing wonderful!"
I realise now that I am so like her - the difference now is that I don't mind.
我意识到我现在和她是多么的相像- - -至于我俩之间的分歧,我现在一点也不在意了。
I am still pondering the question that I posed to Haldane, because the potential for such contradictory policy imperatives appears unavoidable - never more so than now.
I am the first person to suffer because I adore football and I want to play, and now I'm waiting in silence so I can return to being useful for my team.
So he has a quotation, "what shall I now say that I am when I might be deceived by an evil demon, or dreaming?"
'Yes, my lady,' I said.And so now I am going to tell you.King James.This is how your mother died.
So now when someone asks me how I am doing, I say “I'm doing wonderful!”
So I would like would like to say, right now for the first time, I am announcing I am getting married.
But I love my awful life so much right now, that I find it hilarious when I am unable to convince anyone else of it.
Half an hour later I am in the cooling room studying the sides of 365, now just so much red meat and amber fat, the muscles occasionally still twitching.
You are not so fickle - I am come on purpose for you - my mother and father will welcome you now!
Looking back to the palace, I realize that it is so glorious in the sun. But now, I am not belonging to it and all of the happiness there does not belong to me either.
I am telling you now before it happens, so that when it does happen you will believe that I am he.
So imagine that there's right now somebody in an insane asylum in Michigan who's got the thought, I am Napoleon.
The Echo was written so long ago that it has escaped attention and I am now no longer called upon to render an account of its meaning.
That effort did not get far as we wanted, so I am glad to see things are happening again now.
So fast and furiously am I compelled to live now that there is scarcely time to record even these fragmentary notes.
I am also disappointed (Gadhafi) is dead; there is so much now that we will never know.
See the difference. If I had left earlier seeking higher salary instead of technologies, I would not have learned all the cool things and I would not become so expensive as I am now.
So now, henceforth, when you say, to declare a function, I am declaring a function here but down here am I quote unquote defining it or implementing it.
See, I am sending you silver and gold. Now break your treaty with Baasha king of Israel so he will withdraw from me.
"I was so sure - I am so sure - of myself," he concluded. "a year from now I'll be earning more than a dozen men in the Railway Mail."
"I was so sure - I am so sure - of myself," he concluded. "a year from now I'll be earning more than a dozen men in the Railway Mail."