And, he notes, education spending that improves teacher quality pays for itself many times over because it achieves so much for so relatively little.
NO PART of the financial crisis has received so much attention, with so little to show for it, as the tidal wave of home foreclosures sweeping over America.
There was so little time for so much work. We could not do it other than hurriedly.
We used it for a little while and our daughter didn't like it so much so we gave it away.
One who can with so little do so much - taking simple materials, low budgets and creating palaces for people and in the league of the great master.
What has intrigued Grace for years now is how snakes are able to do so much with so little.
For example, take this sentiment: "it is strange that there should be so little reading in the world, and so much writing."
They had hoped for so much - a miracle, perhaps - and we delivered so little.
So if you want to spend only so much money on fruit, go with watermelon, plums, oranges and apples to get the most nutrition for relatively little dough.
But the Indians think SO little of the shedding of blood, and value men SO much for the boldness of their undertakings...
But the Indians think SO little of the shedding of blood, and value men SO much for the boldness of their undertakings...